
Reporters Hail Castro: ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’

November 26th, 2016 3:52 AM
Fidel Castro was a tyrant who oppressed Cubans and brought misery to many for several decades and while much of the breaking news coverage emphasized that reality, some journalists couldn’t resist crediting him for supposed great advancements in education, literacy and health care. ABC’s Jim Avila went so far as to tout how Castro “was considered, even to this day, the George Washington of his…

Desperate Mitchell Badgers Rendell for Possible Vote Recount

November 23rd, 2016 3:23 PM
MSNBC’s resident Hillary Clinton super-fan, Andrea Mitchell, came across as particularly desperate Wednesday as she dedicated a segment of Andrea Mitchell Reports to dreaming of a possible recount in three key swing states. “Some Clinton supporters are trying to mount a campaign to ask for an audit in key states to see if a recount should be ordered,” she reported, “According to a group of…

Trump-Trashing Journalists Oozed Over Obama’s ’08 Transition

November 23rd, 2016 10:15 AM
During the campaign, the liberal news media did everything they could to prevent Donald Trump’s election, but he won anyway. Now, journalists are trashing the way Trump is handling his transition, as well as his early Cabinet picks. But eight years ago, viewers heard a very different tone coming from the media, as journalists celebrated the election of Barack Obama, cheered the “brain power” of…

Mitchell Tries to Offer Blanket Link Between Trump Backers, Neo-Nazis

November 22nd, 2016 4:31 PM
On the heels of CBS and NBC spending over five minutes providing a platform for a neo-Nazi conference, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell continued the media’s normalization of bigotry (unlike what they try to do with religious freedom supporters) by sloppily insinuating that “supporters of Donald Trump’s election” congregated with “the alt-right” at the National Policy Institute (NPI) conference.  

MSNBC Warns Jeff Sessions Will Dismantle Civil Rights

November 18th, 2016 4:42 PM
On her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Friday, anchor Andrea Mitchell fretted over Donald Trump nominating Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions for attorney general: “...this is a difficult time with the civil rights issues front and center at the Justice Department after Ferguson, Black Lives Matter, the Voting Rights Act being somewhat gutted by the Supreme Court, and all of those issues that have been…

Mitchell in Awe of Hillary’s ‘Resilience’ and ‘Grit’ After Loss

November 11th, 2016 4:24 PM
On her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Friday, anchor Andrea Mitchell interviewed Margot Gerster – a Hillary Clinton supporter who met the defeated Democratic nominee on a hiking trail in New York – and eagerly wondered: “What insights did you glean about her demeanor, her mood? And you know, we all want to know how she's holding up.”

Media Warn Trump Win Bruises Stocks, Day Before Dow's ‘Record High'

November 9th, 2016 4:57 PM
The liberal media were in mourning on Election Night when it became clear Donald Trump would be the next president of the United States. Panic was palpable and journalists, particularly on NBC networks, blamed a significant drop in Dow futures on Trump’s victory. CBS said the drop in futures felt like “Brexit,” while Rachel Maddow claimed Trump would wear the market drop as a “badge of honor.”…

Andrea Mitchell in Mourning: ‘History Put On Hold Yet Again’

November 9th, 2016 11:48 AM
On Wednesday’s NBC Today, a distraught Andrea Mitchell was still struggling to come to terms with Hillary Clinton losing the presidential race and sorrowfully lamented: “...late yesterday, her team was still optimistic that they would prevail. Instead they're now planning a concession speech shortly this morning as history put on hold yet again.”

NBC Demands Trump ‘Rectify’ ‘Economic Collapse’ Caused By His Victory

November 9th, 2016 4:23 AM
Minutes after President-Elect Donald Trump concluded his victory speech that ended on Wednesday around 3:00 a.m. Eastern, the cast of characters immediately demanded that Trump seek to “rectify” the tumbling stock market that could lead to an “economic collapse” similar to what Barack Obama inherited when he was inaugurated in 2009. 

NBC's Mitchell to McCaskill: 'We're Fine' For 'Taking Back the Senate'

November 8th, 2016 1:02 PM
Shortly after noon on Monday, in three publicly visible tweets to Missouri Democratic Party Senator Claire McCaskill, Mitchell referred to how "we're going to be fine in terms of taking back the Senate," whined about how FBI Director James Comey had "muddled this race," and wondered why "he sent that letter" — presumably referring to his letter to Congress in late October concerning the Hillary…

Andrea Mitchell Loses It Over ‘Extraordinary,’ ‘Magical’ Hillary Rally

November 7th, 2016 1:12 PM
With credit to my colleague Brent Baker for spotting this classic case of Andrea Mitchell flashing her liberal bias, the MSNBC host and NBC News correspondent could barely contain her excitement for a Sunday night Hillary Clinton rally that she described as being both “extraordinary” and “magical.” 

Nets Cheer Clinton ‘Cleared’ by FBI; Fear ‘Damage’ Already Done

November 7th, 2016 12:55 PM
On Monday, the network morning shows were simultaneously giddy with excitement over FBI director James Comey “clearing” Hillary Clinton by closing the bureau’s investigation into her email scandal while also being fearful over the “political damage” that had been done to the Democratic nominee in the final days of the campaign.

Panicked Andrea Mitchell Claims No FBI Investigation of Hillary

November 3rd, 2016 3:14 PM
In a complete state of denial on Thursday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell interrupted live coverage of Donald Trump speaking at a Florida campaign rally to supposedly “fact-check” the candidate for citing a bombshell report that the FBI was conducting an extensive investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail and charitable foundation scandals.

Mitchell: FBI ‘Punch in the Gut’ Blocks Hillary’s ‘Uplifting Message'

November 1st, 2016 4:55 PM
On her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Tuesday, host Andrea Mitchell woefully complained that the reopened FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails was like a “punch in the gut” to the Democratic nominee and prevented the campaign from pushing an “uplifting message” in the final days before the election.