Politico Writer Already Raining on Possible Scott Walker Victory

October 29th, 2014 5:57 PM
Politico writer Alexander Burns concedes that Wisconsin governor Scott Walker could win re-election next week but sounds a very sour note by claiming that Walker won't enjoy his victory. Of course, Burns contrasts a gloomy view of Walker with a warm review of the Democrat candidate, Mary Burke.  

Dewy-eyed Politico Puff Piece on Caroline: 'Ambassador Kennedy, A Star

December 15th, 2013 9:34 AM

Alex Burns at Politico was handed the Kennedy Goo bucket for their latest feature, headlined "Ambassador Kennedy: A Star Is Born." The liberal media establishment are very eager to say Caroline Kennedy is packed with charm in her role in Japan as "political royalty," and if she was a terrible candidate to replace Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate, well, diplomacy is more her bag. After about…

Politico Tags 2013 as 'Year of the Liberal Billionaire

November 1st, 2013 9:13 AM
Politico’s Alex Burns and Maggie Haberman have designated 2013 as “Year of the Liberal Billionaire,” as progressive titans like Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer unload their money bags on TV ads in off-year elections. “Their arrival on the political scene, at the same time as many conservative donors remain disheartened from the GOP’s 2012 defeat, represents a shift in power in the arena of…

Politico Spins Martin O'Malley's Fairy Tale

April 12th, 2013 4:59 PM
Martin O’Malley’s One Maryland is a fairy tale, and Politico’s Alexander Burns and Burgess Everett are the Brothers Grimm.  In another Politico puff piece Burns, aided by “transportation reporter” Everett, uncritically report O’Malley spin as fact.   Burns and Everett overly indulge and perpetuate O’Malley’s pragmatism fetish.  O’Malley paints himself as a results oriented politician, and…

Politico Lets Former Ohio Governor Strickland Whitewash His Disastrous

January 9th, 2013 10:03 AM
Ohioans can give thanks this week for at least one thing: Former Democratic Governor Ted Strickland has announced that won't be challenging incumbent John Kasich in 2014. During 2008 and 2009, Strickland's second and third years in office, the Buckeye State lost 420,000 jobs and saw its unemployment rate zoom from 5.7 percent to 10.6 percent, performances which were worse than nearly every…

China- and Romney-Obsessed Toledo Blade, Politico Fail to Report Fiat

October 30th, 2012 10:23 PM
Toledo Blade reporter Tyrel Linkhorn got sucked in by Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne's misleading email to Chrysler employees today. The Politico's Alexander Burns relayed Linkhorn's gullibility to the rest of the nation -- or at least the few people scattered throughout the nation who might bother to read it. Marchionne, as quoted by Linkhorn told employees that "Jeep assembly lines will remain…

Politico Posts Two Stories Touting 'Ghost of Hurricane Katrina' Hangin

August 28th, 2012 8:51 AM
On Monday night, Politico posted two stories with the same theme: Tropical Storm Isaac seriously threatens to ruin the Republican convention and remind voters of Republican incompetence during hurricanes. Does anyone think this outfit is fair and balanced? In the story “GOP fears ghost of Hurricane Katrina at RNC 2012,” Politico's Alexander Burns and Maggie Haberman just keep skipping over…

Eleven Democratic State Chairmen, Nancy Pelosi Push for 'Freedom to Ma

May 3rd, 2012 3:36 PM
"Eleven Democratic state party chairs will announce their support today for a proposed 'freedom to marry' plank in the 2012 Democratic platform," Politico's Alexander Burns reported this morning. Among other high-powered backers of the platform petition is none other than former House Speaker and current Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Yet nowhere in Burns 9-paragraph story did…

Politico Editor Proudly Announces Story Calling Americans ‘Stupid

March 15th, 2012 4:33 PM
Politico editor John Harris--known to some for his tendentious questioning during a presidential debate which provoked Newt Gingrich's first of many attacks on liberally biased debate moderators--stepped forward yesterday to proudly proclaim that that it was his idea to create a story questioning the intelligence of the American electorate. As noted by Tim Graham here at NB, the piece was a…

Politico's Alex Burns: Voters Are 'Forrest Gump-like', Lack 'Most Basi

March 14th, 2012 7:14 AM
Alex Burns of Politico has developed a bad case of Peter Jennings Syndrome, right down to accusing the voters of a "tantrum-like response" directed at Obama on gas prices. So far, he writes, the campaign "has been more like a game of Marco Polo, as a hapless gang of Republican candidates and a damaged, frantic incumbent try to connect with a historically fickle and frustrated electorate." The…

Politico's Alexander Burns Trips and Falls in 'Correction' of Gingrich

February 23rd, 2012 7:17 AM
Politico's Alexander Burns came out of Wednesday night's debate eager to "correct" Newt Gingrich for whapping CNN moderator John King for asking about contraception yet again (through the device of "hey, I have a question here from the audience.") Gingrich replied: “You did not once in the 2008 campaign, not once did anybody in the elite media ask why Barack Obama voted in favor of legalizing…

Shorter Politico: Yes, Mitt's 'Fire People' Comment Being Taken Out of

January 9th, 2012 3:14 PM
Sure, the "full context" of Mitt Romney's comments on liking "being able to fire people who provide services to me" is pretty "benign," Politico's Alexander Burns noted in a Burns & Haberman blog post this morning entitled "Mitt drops the f-bomb," but, "it's hardly careful language from a candidate under fire for participating in large-scale layoffs." Romney's comment came at a January 9…