Comcast Bans Gun and Ammo Ads Following NBCUniversal Purchase

March 28th, 2013 12:10 PM
The Comcast Corporation, sole owner of NBCUniversal now, recently made the decision to refuse advertising from gun stores and ammunition manufacturers. Operating in 39 states and the District of Columbia, it is by far the largest cable company in the country. What's more, it holds a regional monopoly on cable TV in a multitude of markets, meaning it's the only affordable televised commercial…

Sharpton's Strange Theory: Blames Beck-Bachmann For Egyptians Pelting

March 27th, 2013 9:52 PM
According to contemporary reports, as here and here, Egyptian protesters who pelted the motorcade of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with tomatoes during her visit to Egypt last July were chanting "Monica! Monica!"   So who did Al Sharpton, on his MSNBC show this evening, blame for the tomato pelting? Why, Glenn Beck and Michele Bachmann, of course!  According to the Reverend Al, it…

MSNBC Contributor Assures: I've Never Gotten Frisky With Fido

March 26th, 2013 9:41 PM
There's been plenty of serious analysis of the the gay marriage cases before the Supreme Court.  Maybe it's time for some comic relief . .  . Appearing on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show this evening, MSNBC contributor Jimmy Williams took issue with Justice Antonin Scalia's musing whether if states can't prohibit gay marriage, they can ban bestiality.  Describing himself as "a certified, organic…

Sharpton's MSNBC Show Sponsored By Manufacturer Of 'Big, Brutal' Rifl

March 25th, 2013 9:51 PM
Don't tell us that Al Sharpton and MSNBC are hypocrites?  Noooo!!  The Reverend Al opened his show by praising President Obama's efforts to promote tougher gun control laws.  But 28 minutes into the show, a commercial appeared for, of all things  . . . Henry Repeating Rifles.   Go to Henry Rifle's website and you'll find one rifle described as "big, brutal and beautiful" and noting that it…

Sharpton & Barnicle Agree: Anti-Semitism Explains Opposition To Bloomb

March 25th, 2013 9:01 AM
On Morning Joe today, the Reverend Al Sharpton agreed with Mike Barnicle  that anti-Semitism explains the opposition to Mike Bloomberg in his gun control campaign. H/t NB reader cobokat. If ever there were an expert on anti-Semitism in America, it could be Al Sharpton, he of Freddie's Fashion Mart and Crown Heights riot infamy. The spectacle of Sharpton lamenting the supposed anti-Semitism…

Al Sharpton Latest Liberal Media Figure to Distort Fox News President

March 8th, 2013 12:27 PM
On Wednesday night’s edition of “PoliticsNation,” MSNBC host Al Sharpton and “The Cycle” host Touré Neblett claimed Fox News president Roger Ailes used racist “dog whistle” language when he called President Obama “lazy” in a newly released biography. Sharpton started by reading a portion of the quote in the book.

Harvard Law Prof Charles Ogletree Gushes Over 'Generosity' of Hugo Cha

March 7th, 2013 6:50 PM
Gee, why would anyone get the impression -- GOP Sen. Ted Cruz, for example -- that Harvard Law School is fertile wetlands for left-wing politics? In Cruz's case, his suspicions are well-founded -- the man graduated from the school in the mid-1990s. For those of us who aren't Harvard alum, its faculty members often supply evidence to bolster that perception. (audio clip after page break)

Abby Huntsman: Reverend Al's Kind Of Republican

February 28th, 2013 9:14 PM
Turns out today is the 159th anniversary of the founding of the Republican party.  So who did Al Sharpton have on his MSNBC this evening to discuss it supposedly from the GOP point of view? "Republican" Abby Huntsman, daughter of Jon. After somehow divining that if Abe Lincoln were around today he would want a "conversation" on immigration and gay marriage, Abby described today's Republican…

MSNBC Replays Rubio Water Sip 155 Times in One Day, Far More Than CNN

February 15th, 2013 3:49 PM
The liberal hosts on MSNBC  just couldn't get enough of watching U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio reach for a glass of water and take a sip during his rebuttal of President Barack Obama's State of the Union address, airing the snippet a staggering 155 times during the Wednesday broadcast schedule, according to a tally by the Daily Caller. Other cable news networks showed the footage far less often. CNN…

Barney Frank's Strange Obsession With Misogynistic Henny Youngman Line

February 7th, 2013 8:21 PM
What's with Barney Frank and his odd obsession with a Henny Youngman line that—had virtually any other politician used it—would result in him being accused of the worst kind of misogyny? Back in 2011, I noted that, appearing on Morning Joe, Frank had quoted the hoary Henny line: "How's your wife? Compared to what?" Yet there was Barney again this evening, this time on Al Sharpton's MSNBC…

All Hail: Sharpton's Creepy Obama Image

February 6th, 2013 7:41 PM
Have a look at the image of President Obama that Al Sharpton repeatedly displayed during a segment of his MSNBC show this evening on the theme that the Obama agenda on immigration and gun control is gaining traction. It shows a stern-faced President Obama superimposed against the backdrop of a massive crowd.  At one point, Sharpton displayed a graphic reading "Taking Control." More after the…

Rev. Al Sharpton Invokes Pledge of Allegiance, Sans 'Under God,' In Ne

February 5th, 2013 6:32 PM
In a new Lean Forward promo spot for MSNBC, Politics Nation host the Rev. Al Sharpton invoked the language of the Pledge of Allegiance, sans the term "under God." In the spot, Sharpton rattled off a laundry list of pet issues that MSNBC obsessed over in 2012 as he dreamed of a "nation that is really living up to the creed of one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." [MP3 audio…

New York Times: Late Ed Koch Fostered Racist Assaults, But 'Redeemed

February 4th, 2013 2:21 PM
Joseph Berger's long tribute to the late, legendary former New York City mayor Ed Koch made the front of the New York Times Sunday Metro section -- "So, How'd He Do?" But Berger stained Koch's memory by citing the irresponsible, inflammatory voices of Rev. Calvin Butts and Al Sharpton and bizarrely suggesting Koch's rhetoric played a part in racist assaults against blacks: "Despite his…

Rev. Al Sharpton Hosts ‘Politics Nation Science Lab’ To Slam GOP O

January 24th, 2013 11:58 AM
If you’ve ever watched MSNBC’s Politics Nation w/ Al Sharpton, you know that it is a bizarre hour-long program disguised as serious political analysis.  Host Reverend Al Sharpton, who hammed it up last year with his ‘Revvie Awards’ aimed at trashing GOP politicians, has a new segment entitled "Science Lab" where he criticizes Republicans as supposedly anti-science. Sharpton began the January 23…