Adriana Diaz

CBS Lauds 'Certified, Bona Fide Person' Who Calls $35T Debt ‘Savings'
CBS News left viewers poorly informed on the nation’s economic state after featuring a professor who referred to the national debt as “savings."

CBS, NBC Admit Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Comment Was Bad News for Kamala
While ABC’s Good Morning America was off denying reality Wednesday that President Biden’s comment referring to Trump “supporters” as “garbage,” CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today were pained to admit he’s “undermin[ing]” and “drawing attention away from Kamala Harris’s closing message” by “courting controversy” with an “unforced error.”

ABC Pampers Walz, CBS Grills Him on Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Smear, Abortion
Democratic vice presidential nominee and Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) surfaced Wednesday morning for two different broadcast network news interviews that couldn’t have been any more different between ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS Mornings. While ABC co-host and former George Stephanopoulos kissed up to Walz with a campaign strategy session, CBS held him to account for…

CBS Giddily Wonders If Elon Musk Will Face Jail for $1 Million Contest
With CBS Mornings Plus leading the way, the major broadcast networks spent Monday morning giddily declaring Telsa founder and X owner Elon Musk could end up indicted by Biden-Harris Justice Department for his America PAC’s daily, $1 million giveaway to registered voters in swing states “raising new legal questions” and “blow[ing] past the line” of legality.

CBS Turns to Pompous Dickerson to Push Dems, Warn of MAGA Violence
Wednesday’s CBS Mornings predictably had robust coverage of the vice presidential debate it hosted between Republican Senator JD Vance and Democratic Governor Tim Walz (MN), but it was often colored by the condescending, elitist, and partisan analysis by chief political analyst John Dickerson, who predicted “fuel is out there” in the form of desire for “violence” by Trump supporters…

CBS, NBC Whack Blinken From Left, Blame Israel for Middle East Turmoil
To mark this week’s United Nations General Assembly, Secretary of State Antony Blinken appeared Wednesday morning on ABC, CBS, and NBC to discuss the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East with Israel facing attacks from nearly every direction from Hamas in the south to Lebanon’s Hezbollah in the north. Of course, the liberal media — specifically NBC’s Today and some on CBS Mornings…

Nets Cheer Biden in Nevada, Ignore Incendiary Rhetoric Toward Trump
On Wednesday, the flagship morning news shows of ABC, CBS, and NBC made sure to tout President Biden’s Tuesday afternoon address in Las Vegas to the NAACP convention, but only played up sanguine soundbites calling for a lowering of the temperature of our civic discourse, not those saying Republicans want to “erase..history” and want to take away the “freedom” of black people.

CBS Notices, But Sympathizes With Surging Chinese Illegals at Border
On the one hand, good on CBS Mornings for noticing on Friday that one recent trend in the seemingly never-ending invasion of illegal immigrants across the U.S. southern border now includes tens of thousands from China. On the other hand, CBS showed little to no concern at this problem and relied on the usual trope of commiserating with the illegal aliens in the predictable narrative…

Column: Halloween Abortion Horror Stories in Post-Roe Idaho
On Halloween, both CBS Mornings and the CBS Evening News offered a one-sided pro-abortion advertisement for the Center for Reproductive Rights as they sue the state of Idaho for endangering “pregnant patients” for only allowing abortion if the life of the mother is at stake, and not the “health.”

CBS Blasts ‘Anti-LGBTQ’ Speaker Johnson Over His ‘Far-Right Stances’
Thursday’s CBS Evening News chose continue to early browbeating of the public into turning against the calm and steady new House Speaker, Mike Johnson (R-LA) by trashing him as “anti-LGBTQ,” “an election denier, climate skeptic,” and “staunch conservative” whose overall politics is riddled with “far-right stances.”

CBS Downplays New Senate Dress Code, Ignores Fetterman’s Mental State
On Friday’s CBS Mornings during the “Talk of the Table” segment, they came through with the first broadcast network news show coverage of the Senate dress code change in order to accommodate the mentally and physically incapacitated Senator John Fetterman (D-PA). And, instead of focusing on how the former was made to baby the ladder, the CBS crew laughed about opposition to axing a…

OKCupid & CBS Mornings: ‘Climate Change’ Is Make or Break For Dating
CBS Mornings apparently had nothing important to talk about on Wednesday. What’s new?

CBS Promotes Bipartisan Moms Against Guns, They’re Lib Activists
NewsBusters has been on CBS Mornings’ case as they go full bore against gun rights and poison the discourse with dubious polls, questionable studies, and disinformation. On Friday, they promoted the new anti-gun group Lives on the Line with correspondent Adriana Diaz suggesting they’re “stretching across district, state, and party lines demanding an end to gun violence.” But a delve…

CBS Cheers SF Wanting to Give Black Residents $5 Million Reparations
Amid the litany of weather reports and coverage of a U.S. drone being downed in the Black Sea after colliding with a Russian jet and recent woke banks going under, Wednesday’s CBS Mornings made it interesting when they spent a few minutes fawning over San Francisco moving closer to offering $5 million, guaranteed incomes of $97,000, and homes for the price of $1 to Black residents as…