Adrian Higgins

WashPost Plays Up Gettysburg Address Anniversary, But Completely Skips
November 19th, 2013 8:57 AM
On the front of Tuesday's Style section of The Washington Post is an article titled "Hallowed ground, restored to its roots." The Post assigned gardening writer Adrian Higgins, who wrote of an "elaborate celebration of the 150th anniversary of the president's original remarks" at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in 1863. But nowhere in the 25-paragraph story about clearing the landscape is there any…
WaPo 'On Gardening' Feature Blasts Sarah Palin's Wooden Fence
June 24th, 2010 5:40 PM
It seems no section of the newspaper is free of bias and/or political cheap shots.Take today's Local Living section of the Washington Post, whose "on gardening" feature writer Adrian Higgins blasted "Sarah Palin's... wrong to the landscape"* in the form of the 14-foot-tall wooden fence she erected between her Wasilla, Alaska, property and an adjacent lot rented by author Joe McGinniss:Do bad…