South America

Socialism’s Past
March 18th, 2020 2:22 PM
Senator Bernie Sanders' call for socialism has resonated among many Americans, particularly young Americans. They've fallen prey to the idea of a paradise here on Earth where things are free and there's little want. But socialists never reveal what turns out to be their true agenda. Let's look at the kind of statements they used to gain power. You'll note that all of their slogans before gaining…

Nonstop Election Campaigns
January 28th, 2020 7:30 PM
I love Ireland for its natural beauty, its people, its food (some of it), its music, its writers and especially its elections, which are shorter, less costly and designed to engage citizens and boost voter turnout. On January 14, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar called a general election for February 8. That means a campaign of slightly more than three weeks. In the process, the Irish Parliament…

What Media Got Wrong About Jorge Ramos at Dem Debate
September 13th, 2019 4:51 PM
In addition to grading individual candidate performances, media often reverts to its favorite topic: the media. But many in the media have misread, and subsequently misinterpreted Univision anchor Jorge Ramos’ performance in last night’s ABC-Univision Democratic presidential debates.

Environmental ‘Hero’ Knocks Celebs, Media for Amazon Fire Falsehoods
August 28th, 2019 3:51 PM
Yes, there are fires burning in the Amazon and that’s obviously a bad thing, but one Forbes columnist chided movie stars, politicians and the news media for spreading misinformation about them. Contributor Michael Shellenberger, who was once named an “Environmental Hero” by Time, exposed an abundance of inaccuracies stemming from the current hysteria over the fires in the Amazon — including the “…

Day After Seeing No Link, NYTimes Blames Amazon Fire on Global Warming
August 25th, 2019 4:38 PM
One day after reporting, “These fires were not caused by climate change,” the New York Times blamed the ongoing Amazon rain forest fires on....climate change. Norimitsu Onishi falsely conflated the Amazon rain forest wildfires in Brazil with global warming: "As the Amazon burned and the world faced an ecological disaster, President Emmanuel Macron of France bluntly criticized Brazil’s leader this…
Keeping Fake Illegal Alien Families Together
May 8th, 2019 7:26 PM
Who remembers the hysterical sound and fury of open borders leftists last summer over President Donald Trump's detention and enforcement policies at our besieged southern border? Remember the #FamiliesBelongTogether, #WhereAreTheChildren, #AbolishICE and #MeltICE hashtags? Remember the “Trump Child Abuse,” “Free the Children,” “Save the Children” and “AMERICANS DON'T USE CHILDREN AS PAWNS,”…

Venezuela Troubles: MSNBC Accidentally Makes Case for 2nd Amendment
April 30th, 2019 11:02 PM
Ooops! It's a safe bet that it wasn't the intent, but a Tuesday afternoon MSNBC report on the latest unrest in Venezuela made a very good case for why the Second Amendment, giving citizens the right to bear arms, is very important. It happened during a report by Kerry Sanders from Miami updating Andrea Mitchell on the latest news about the troubles in Venezuela.

Chevron Wins Again, Ecuador Told To End Extortion Against Oil Company
April 18th, 2019 8:43 AM
Chevron’s winning streak in the courtroom against Ecuador over rainforest pollution continued in April. So did the liberal media’s silence on the battle.
If Not an Emergency, What Is It?
April 2nd, 2019 2:57 PM
The flood tide of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border cannot and must not continue. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has said of it, “The system is broken and overwhelmed. It is a national emergency.” The definition of emergency might help focus attention: “A sudden, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence or occasion requiring immediate action.”

Nets Ignore Trump’s First Meeting With Pro-U.S. Brazilian President
March 19th, 2019 9:52 PM
It was a meeting worth taking note of, not just because President Trump was meeting with the so-called “Trump of the Tropics” but because of what it could mean for both countries going forward, and for dealing with the crisis in Venezuela. But the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were apparently bored by Trump’s Tuesday meeting with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and ignored it…

MELTDOWN! Acosta: Trump Is Spreading ‘Virus’ Against the Media
March 19th, 2019 3:17 PM
Following the President's joint press conference Tuesday afternoon with his Brazilian counterpart, CNN chief White House correspondent and carnival barker Jim Acosta offered a lengthy diatribe and meltdown to the delight of his colleagues. In four-and-a-half minutes, Acosta attacked the Daily Caller for a “softball” question to the President, bashed Trump for spreading a “virus” around the world…

‘This Isn’t Politics’; Ramos Speaks to Cooper, Hannity About Venezuela
February 26th, 2019 11:00 PM
Univision News anchor and hardcore liberal Jorge Ramos appeared Tuesday night on CNN’s AC360 and FNC’s Hannity to discuss his brief detainment in Venezuela by the murderous Nicolas Maduro regime after Ramos confronted Maduro in an interview with video of young men eating out of a garbage truck in Caracas. In the case of Sean Hannity and Ramos, the pair have had their fair share of on-air duels…

Morning After, ABC Finally Shows Llamas Getting Tough With Maduro
February 26th, 2019 6:01 PM
After first allowing Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro to spout off lies and conspiratorial statements against the United States on Monday’s World News Tonight, the report on Tuesday’s Good Morning America actually highlighted ABC chief national correspondent Tom Llamas pressing the murderous dictator on his regime’s atrocities.

Wolf Wants to Know: Why Won't Bernie Call Maduro a Dictator?
February 26th, 2019 8:52 AM
We won't go awarding Wolf Blitzer a journalistic Profile in Courage just yet, but let's give him some credit for posing this question to Bernie Sanders in last night's CNN town hall with the socialist senator: "Senator, why have you stopped short of calling Maduro, of Venezuela, a dictator?"