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Daily Show Faux-Debates 'America's Greatest War Criminals'
December 1st, 2023 9:55 AM
Comedy Central’s tempt host of The Daily Show, Michelle Wolf welcomed correspondents Ronny Chieng and Michael Kosta for a “debate” on who is “America’s greatest war criminal” after the death of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. As Chieng and Kosta fake fought over Kissinger and former Vice President Dick Cheney, Wolf offered up President Andrew Jackson.

Daily Show Claims Oil Drilling Is 'Serial Killer S***'
March 15th, 2023 10:24 AM
Fresh off his interview with President Biden, The Daily Show temp host Kal Penn attacked him from the left as he accused Biden and ConoccoPhillips of some “Silence of the Lambs serial killer shit” for a new oil drilling initiative in Alaska.

UPDATE: CNN Contributor Calls for New 'Hitler' to Kill All the Jews
May 16th, 2021 11:19 PM
It happened again. On Sunday, now-former CNN freelance contributor out of Pakistan Adeel Raja tweeted out that “the world today needs a Hitler,” in response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas. It took CNN’s communications boss Matt Dornic several hours to respond to the growing outrage and criticism on social media. And the incident harkened back to 2019 when a CNN photo editor was fired…

'Secret City' Season 2 Depicts Americans as Backstabbing War Criminals
March 11th, 2019 10:30 AM
Secret City: Under the Eagle, the second season of Netflix's Australian political drama released March 6, portrayed Americans as lying to their allies, droning their friends, and not caring if innocent people are hurt or killed in the process. This season finds reporter Harriet Dunkley (Anna Torv) investigating a cover up in the Australian government. When an explosion at a suburban home kills…

Another Christian Threatened by Muslim Mobs, Another Network Blackout
November 14th, 2018 9:55 AM
A major international incident has been boiling over in the Middle East during the last couple of weeks, yet American news viewers might not have heard about it. After years in a Pakistani prison, Asia Bibi, a Christian woman recently acquitted of charges of blasphemy against Islam, has so far been denied the ability to leave the country for her own safety, as the government fears civil unrest…

Matthews: FL Recount Concerns Makes You a ‘Tin Pot Dictator’
November 14th, 2018 12:00 AM
Ah, so trying to keep up the fight to try and turn the tide in Georgia is okay, but to MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews on Tuesday, doing so in Florida makes you a “clown” and “Third World” “tin pot dictator” of a country where the losers are killed by hanging.

NBC Skips Deceased U.S. Soldier, Deadly Election Attack in Pakistan
July 13th, 2018 8:50 PM
In Friday night’s installment of bias by omission, NBC Nightly News chose not to cover a deadly suicide bombing in Pakistan at a political rally that left over 120 people dead while this same newscast and the CBS Evening News didn’t fit into their newscasts time for a news brief to pay homage to the now-identified U.S. soldier who died a day earlier in Afghanistan.

Even in Immigration Uproar, Nets Silent on Christian Genocide
January 30th, 2017 10:11 AM
The media freak-out this weekend was the funniest thing on TV (as last night’s SAG awards proved). It was the latest episode in the Trump-says-something-slapstick-ensues series that’s enthralled comedy fans since the election. Trump puts a temporary hold on immigration from a handful of really messed up countries that may or may not care who they’re shipping here and journalists turn every…

Mournful Mika Wonders If Anyone Can Improve on Trump Muslim Ban
December 10th, 2015 8:19 AM
The last person you'd imagine backing Donald Trump's Muslim ban might be Mika Brzezinski. Yet on today's Morning Joe, a reluctant Mika came close to doing just that. Brzezinski springboarded off the news that the visa screening program failed to stop Tafsheen Malik from entering the country although she was already radicalized at the time.
While professing her opposition to the plan, she called…

Prof Claiming No Bernardino Terror Link Gets Debunked in Seconds
December 4th, 2015 11:46 AM
It was a priceless TV moment. Here was law professor Sahar Aziz on Jose Diaz-Balart's MSNBC show complaining about anti-Muslim bias in the US and insisting we don't know the motive behind the San Bernardino massacre. Aziz called the San Bernardino attack a "workplace violent act," pointing to the lack of any claim of responsibility or link to a terrorist group.
But literally seconds after Aziz…

Chris Hayes & Co. Baffled By San Bernardino Motive
December 3rd, 2015 9:36 PM
Rudy Giuliani has said that if you can't figure out that what happened in San Bernardino was an act of terror, "you're a moron." But from Chris Hayes, to the FBI, to a representative of the Muslim community, to a Mother Jones reporter, to President Obama himself, one thing emerged from Hayes' MSNBC show tonight: they're all terribly confused and cautious about what possibly could have been the "…

Bernie Sanders Digs Noam Chomsky, MSM Yawns
November 24th, 2015 8:41 AM
In a bid to pump up his anemic African-American support, Bernie Sanders very publicly chowed down yesterday with rapper Killer Mike, who at a subsequent rally endorsed Sanders. Reporting on the meeting of the unlikely duo, the Washington Post wrote that among other things they discussed "their mutual appreciation for the work of the philosopher Noam Chomsky."
So Bernie digs Noam Chomsky. You…

CNN: Brian Williams's SEAL Team Six Tales Don't 'Pass the Smell Test'
February 13th, 2015 1:52 PM
Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN spotlighted another set of questionable accounts by Brian Williams regarding a supposed relationship with Navy SEAL Team Six. Williams claimed that he traveled with the unit into Iraq just three days after the 2003 invasion; that SEAL "friends" of his sent him a piece of the wreckage from the helicopter that crashed on the 2011 raid that killed bin Laden; and…

Shock: CNN Acknowledges Paris Attack Part of Islamists' 'World War'
January 9th, 2015 2:10 PM
Nic Robertson refreshingly pointed out on Thursday's CNN Tonight that the recent terrorist attack in Paris was part of a wider "world war all in the name of Islam." While many leftists pointed the finger at the American presence in the Middle East or the Abu Ghraib controversy, Robertson put the shootings in the wider context of recent Islamist massacres across the globe.