NY Mag Writer: Conservatives Like ‘Highly Emotional’ Fake News

September 2nd, 2016 9:02 PM
Shorter version of Brian Feldman’s Wednesday article: Sure, Mark Zuckerberg’s a genius, but he still hasn’t come up with a foolproof way to keep Facebook from promoting right-wing propaganda. “Facebook’s problem isn’t that it suppresses ‘conservative news’ or allows ‘fake news,’” wrote Feldman. “It’s that those two categories are increasingly indistinguishable.”

ABC Notices Hillary's Deleted Benghazi E-Mails, NBC Still Censoring

August 31st, 2016 3:10 PM
On Wednesday's GMA, ABC finally covered the latest development on Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal. Paula Faris gave a news brief noting that "the Justice Department now says that up to 30 deleted e-mails from her private server could be related to the Benghazi attack." CBS This Morning mentioned the new revelation on the Clinton scandal during the lead-in for a report on the former senator's lack…

Nets Cover for Clinton, Ignore Discovery of 30 Benghazi E-mails

August 30th, 2016 10:44 PM
Hillary Clinton was caught in yet another lie about her e-mails Tuesday, following an announcement from the State Department that they discovered still more e-mails she failed to turn over. “And tonight, we have confirmation that at least some of the thousands of e-mails deleted and not turned over to the State Department dealt with the issue of Benghazi, Libya, clearly not falling into the…

Shameful Silence: Networks Have Ignored Christian Genocide

August 10th, 2016 11:59 AM
Christians in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia are suffering massive, sustained and very bloody persecution at the hands of Muslim extremists. The three broadcast networks are reluctant to report on it, let alone call the atrocity what it is (and what the Obama administration has admitted it is): genocide

Matthews Is Still ‘Wondering What’ Hillary Did Wrong in Benghazi

August 9th, 2016 10:00 PM
Reacting to Huffington Post reporter Laura Bassett highlighting during Tuesday’s Hardball that a Donald Trump advisor recently “called for Hillary to face a firing squad” for her handling of Benghazi in light of Trump’s new gun comments, MSNBC host Chris Matthews used the occasion to bloviate about how he “keep[s] wondering what she did in Benghazi” that has people so upset.

Nets Allow a Scant Two Minutes on Benghazi Lawsuit Against Clinton

August 9th, 2016 11:56 AM
The three network morning shows on Tuesday allowed a scant minute and 59 seconds to a lawsuit filed against Hillary Clinton by the grieving parents of Benghazi victims. This is out of a total of eight hours of possible air time. ABC, CBS and NBC are continuing their pattern of showing very little interest in Pat Smith, the mother who condemned Clinton at the Republican National Convention. 

On CNN, Pat Smith Blasts 'Dirt' Treatment From Media Over RNC Speech

August 1st, 2016 5:51 PM
On Monday's CNN Newsroom, Patricia Smith hammered the media over their clear double standard between the often-negative way they treated her anti-Hillary Clinton speech at the Republican National Convention versus their hyping of Khizr Khan's anti-Donald Trump speech at the Democratic National Convention: "I was treated like dirt. I don't think the Khan family was treated that way. But I was…

MSNBC Touts ‘Profound’ BLM Mothers; Trashed Smith for Ruining RNC

July 26th, 2016 10:10 PM
Right on cue, Tuesday night’s MSNBC coverage of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) heaped effusive praise on a team of Black Lives Matter mothers whose sons died in police-involved shootings as a “profound experience” for those in attendance just eight days after they trashed Patricia Smith over a speech about her son’s death in the 2012 Benghazi terror attack.

CNN: GOP 'Mob,' 'Craziness' Helps Clinton, Appeals to 'Fox News Crowd'

July 21st, 2016 6:05 PM
On Thursday's New Day on CNN, as a panel discussed the Republican National Convention, CNN political commentator Errol Louis suggested that "angry" convention crowds and their "mob chant" could put Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton "back in her sweet spot" so that she can argue that she is preferable in the White House in contrast with the "craziness" on the other side. For her…

Who Gets Absolute Moral Authority?

July 20th, 2016 4:58 PM
My 12-year-old son couldn't remember the phrase "take a walk down memory lane" last week, instead describing a stroll through "nostalgia road." I knew it would come in handy. Put on your hiking boots and join me for an educational trip down good ol' nostalgia road. It seems like yesterday when Champion of Wimmin Maureen Dowd, bemoaning the lack of sympathy for anti-war mom Cindy Sheehan, declared…

CNN Panel Frets 'Vitriolic' 'Pretty Ugly' GOP, 'Going Too Far'

July 20th, 2016 10:04 AM
On Wednesday's New Day, during a discussion of Chris Christie's speech at the Republican National Convention and audience reaction, CNN panel members used words like "vitriolic" and "pretty ugly" to describe the GOP gathering. Co-anchor Chris Cuomo warned that Republicans are helping Hillary Clinton by "going too far," and also worked in a rationalization of his claim from Tuesday that Clinton…

MSNBC Smears Pat Smith’s Speech About Benghazi; It 'Ruined' the Night

July 18th, 2016 9:47 PM
From the moment that Pat Smith concluded her Monday night speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) about how her son was murdered in the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, MSNBC had their marching orders to annihilate, demean, and smear Smith for her attacks on Hillary Clinton that left the assembled cast of liberals confused at the “gross accusation” that’s “ruined” the entire night.

Liberal Pundit Previews GOP Convention: ‘An Oily Ball of Rage’

July 15th, 2016 9:20 PM
In a Thursday post, Talking Points Memo editor and publisher Josh Marshall previewed the Republican convention. He was especially upset that the first night of the convention reportedly will center on “a new rehashing and re-exploitation of the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi…The Benghazi 'scandal' itself has been a four year running gob of hate and derp sticky enough to grab on to it an almost…

MSNBC Producer Issues Correction After False Claim About Benghazi

July 9th, 2016 6:38 PM
No stranger to being the topic of discussion on the pages of NewsBusters, MSNBC writer and Rachel Maddow Show producer Steve Benen was at it again on Friday as he bemoaned the House Select Committee on Benghazi as the “longest congressional investigation in the history of the United States” despite even liberal sites like Politifact debunking this talking point.