30 Years Ago: Media Gushed Over the Clintons’ Crazy Health Care Scheme

September 23rd, 2023 8:51 AM

Thirty years ago this week, Bill and Hillary Clinton outlined their ill-fated plan for unprecedented government intervention in the health care sector. The liberal media loudly crowed their approval, assuring voters “reform” would end the “shame” of America as the only developed nation without universal coverage.


CBS Praises Biden For Having 'Accomplished Many Important Things'

September 9th, 2023 11:22 AM

It can be hard to tell if Robert Costa is CBS’s campaigns and elections correspondent or a paid spokesman for Biden 2024 because on CBS Saturday Morning, Costa sat down with The Atlantic’s Franklin Foer where the two marveled over Biden having supposedly “accomplished many important things” and that people do not remember how “dark” it was when Biden took office.


Adam Carolla: Gov’t, Media to Run COVID Playbook for Climate Change

September 2nd, 2023 1:30 PM

Adam Carolla blew the whistle on pandemic hysteria from the jump.

FLASHBACK: As CBS Evening News Anchor, Katie Couric Was a Liberal Flop

September 2nd, 2023 8:42 AM

At CBS, Katie Couric sounded indistinguishable from liberal politicians when it came to climate change, government health care, President Barack Obama’s massive spending, and even a government takeover of U.S. banks. She flattered Obama, condemned the rest of the media for being too tough on Hillary Clinton, and blamed her own failures at CBS on — what else? — sexism.

The Law of Unintended Consequences Can’t Be Repealed

August 31st, 2023 5:15 PM

This week, the Biden administration announced that Medicare would name some 10 prescription drugs it would subject to direct price negotiations. The drugs include Jardiance (diabetes), Entresto (heart failure), Imbruvica (blood cancer) and Stelara (psoriasis). If the companies that created the drugs refuse to kowtow to Medicare, they will be forced to withdraw from Medicare and Medicaid…


CNN Considers Bringing Back Masks: 'We're At An Inflection Point'

August 23rd, 2023 10:00 AM

It may be August of 2023, but the media still can’t quit COVID alarmism. The latest COVID freak out came on Wednesday’s CNN This Morning as the assembled cast wondered whether it was time to bring back masks.


MSNBC on Masks: 'Time To Bring Them Out Again'

August 1st, 2023 12:45 PM

MSNBC is, if nothing else, totally committed to self-parody as Tuesday’s Jose Diaz-Balart Reports took a break from incessant coverage of all things Donald Trump to talk about another one of their favorite obsessions: masks and why you need to “bring them out again.”


Jordan Peterson Schools Bill Maher on Canadian Fascism

July 29th, 2023 1:30 PM

Bill Maher makes a living mocking political elites, but he has major gaps in his Beltway knowledge.


PBS NewsHour Backs Racial Quotas for Doctors: ‘Diversity’ Saves Lives

July 13th, 2023 8:25 AM

The PBS News Hour Monday evening offered yet another one-sided take on a fiercely contested ideological issue: The Supreme Court’s striking down of racial preferences in college admissions. Host Amna Nawaz’s guest was a UCLA doctor and racial activist. Together,  they decried the Supreme Court decision and schemed for ways to work around it, including the possibly dangerous step of…


World Economic Forum Praises Dictators and Touts Dangerous AI

June 30th, 2023 5:10 PM

The World Economic Forum’s summer conference closed, but its dystopian artificial intelligence (AI) plans for the future continue. And those AI plans ignore the inherent risks and threats of the technology.

Flashback: Big Media’s Big Double-Standard on SCOTUS Blockbusters

June 24th, 2023 8:35 AM

A look back at four of the biggest Supreme Court cases of the past 25 years shows when liberals win a big victory, the media joyfully celebrate the “historic” final word. But when conservatives win a case, journalists fulminate about a discredited Court and lecture that the ruling has forever damaged the Court’s credibility and legitimacy.


CBS Baselessly Ties Roe Overturn to Shortage of Maternal Healthcare

June 20th, 2023 8:44 PM

CBS Evening News dedicated a segment of their Tuesday evening newscast to report that in Mississippi there was a shortage of maternal healthcare providers and hospitals for women to give birth. The abortion activists at CBS attempted to tie this to the overturning of Roe v Wade in June 2022 and left viewers with the impression that the two had anything to do with each other. 


FLASHBACK: David Letterman and the Liberal Politics of Late Night

May 20th, 2023 9:00 AM

Eight years ago, the Late Show’s David Letterman ended his record-setting 33-year run as a broadcast late-night host. Letterman was an obvious liberal who used the platform of his show to promote and flatter liberal politicians like Barack Obama, and to ridicule Republicans with whom he disagreed on issues such as gun rights.


The View: Mental Health of Mass Shooters Doesn’t Matter, Denies Crisis

May 8th, 2023 2:27 PM

Following yet another mass shooting where the shooter showed warning signs of struggling with his mental health, the ladies of ABC’s The View denied that there was a mental health crisis in America as they turned their nose up at efforts in Texas to address it. They even went so far as to suggest mass shooters weren’t mentally ill and wildly assert that “war weapons” and murders only…