
MSNBC: Secrecy of FBI’s Trump Raid as Tight as Bin Laden Raid By SEALs

August 9th, 2022 6:03 PM

The lack of transparency from the FBI about their Monday night raid of Mar-a-Lago and the Trump team not releasing the search warrant has left a lot of room for incendiary and impotent hot takes. And it left one MSNBC national security analyst, Clint Watts, room to suggest that the secrecy surrounding the raid was on par with the secrecy of the Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden. The…


CNN Analyst: FBI's Mar-a-Lago Raid 'Daring & Dangerous Move'

August 9th, 2022 5:02 PM

During Tuesday's At This Hour on CNN, fill-in host Poppy Harlow brought on CNN legal analyst Paul Callan to break down the legal ramifications of Monday's raid on former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida. Shockingly, at least during this brief moment, there was no celebrating or chest pounding over the former President's belongings being searched by the…


ABC, CBS Warn of No 'Transparency,' 'Overreach' in FBI’s Trump Raid

August 9th, 2022 3:12 PM

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC dedicated extensive time Tuesday morning to the stunning news that former President Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida home of Mar-a-Lago was raided Monday night by the FBI, but the liberal networks were surprisingly not ready to celebrate with ABC and CBS noting there’s been very little “transparency from the Justice Department or the FBI” and, if they…


Mitchell Blasts 'Outrageous' McCarthy Plan To Investigate Garland

August 9th, 2022 2:37 PM

On her Tuesday show on MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell blasted House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s “outrageous” pledge to investigate Attorney General Merrick Garland if the GOP were to regain the House in November in the aftermath of the FBI’s raid on former President Trump’s home.

FBI launched a political raid against former President Trump

Hollywood Lefties Celebrate FBI’s Raid At Mar-a-Lago

August 9th, 2022 10:55 AM

 It didn’t take 24 hours before the Hollywood lefties openly celebrated the FBI raid on Trump’s Mara-Lago resort. Here are some of the worst celebrities cheering a political attack on a former president.


CBS, NBC Covering Up FBI Raid of Dem Congressman’s Residence

January 20th, 2022 7:09 PM

Broadcast networks CBS and NBC are intentionally omitting news of an FBI raid on a Democratic Congressman from their major morning and evening newscasts.


CNN: Holding Dems Accountable for Violence is 'Both-Siderism'

January 5th, 2022 6:03 PM

During CNN's breaking news coverage of Attorney General Merrick Garland's news conference on the Justice Department's January 6 investigation, chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin scoffed at Garland's desire to prosecute political violence no matter what political party is involved. 

Embarrassing NYT: Elf on Shelf a 'Spy,' But No FBI Spy in Trump Camp?

December 28th, 2021 8:49 AM

Reporter Daniel Victor ran an embarrassing expose on….Elf on the Shelf in Sunday’s New York Times. “In a Tiny, Jolly Spy for Santa, Watchdogs Spot Big Brother.” But behind the silliness lurks a liberal bias. In the Biden Administration, the New York Times is abruptly rediscovering liberal virtues like free speech and privacy, concepts it denigrated for years in the quest of…


MSNBC: Saying 'Let's Go, Brandon' Is A 'Slow-Moving Insurrection'

December 28th, 2021 12:44 AM

In MSNBC’s ongoing obsession with labeling anyone who dares to disagree with their left-wing agenda an “insurrectionist”, Deadline White House host Nicole Wallace laughably claimed that the Oregon father who said “let’s go, Brandon” to President Joe Biden was part of a “slow-motion insurrection”.

After Portland Riots, NYTimes Finds FBI Surveillance a Bad Thing Again

December 26th, 2021 10:18 PM

Portland, Oregon has endured rioting, vandalism, and assaults in its downtown area for months on end. So, after uncovering evidence that federal agents tried to track and punish such activity, the New York Times came down hard -- not on the rioters, but the FBI itself, on Thursday’s front page, co-written by Seattle bureau chief Mike Baker.


Nets Blackout FBI Whistleblower Warning Bureau Is Tracking Parents

November 16th, 2021 8:47 PM

The liberal media have super hearing when it comes to picking up the “racist dog whistles” they suggest spurs opposition to Critical Race Theory in schools. But when it comes to certain whistleblowers in the federal government, they suddenly need hearing aids. That was exactly the case on Tuesday when the broadcast networks didn’t want anything to do with an FBI whistleblower warning Congress…

Michael Smerconish John Berman Brianna Keilar CNN New Day 10-28-21

CNN Worried 'Kooks' Who Watch Fox News Will Run For School Boards

October 29th, 2021 11:33 AM

Heaven forbid that "kooks" — you know, the kind of people who watch Fox News — will run for school boards! That was the message from CNN Thursday morning. New Day had on supposed "moderate" Michael Smerconish to discuss Attorney General Merrick Garlands's testimony before a Senate committee, and the memo he had sent to the FBI regarding threats of violence against school board members…


Nets Bury National School Board Group Saying Sorry for Terror Smear

October 25th, 2021 1:07 PM

Late on Friday night, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) belatedly apologized for language that linked concerned parents to domestic terrorists. But all three networks from Friday to Monday morning ignored the organization retreating, “On behalf of NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter.... There was no justification for some of the language included in the letter.” 


Nets Disregard AG Garland Grilled in Hearing for Targeting Parents

October 21st, 2021 8:20 PM

Earlier this month, Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Biden administration used federal actions in an attempt to chill the exercise of free speech by concerned parents protesting their school boards after they were equated to domestic terrorists by the National School Boards Association. But on Thursday, Garland was held to account by Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee in a…