Hypocritical NYT Shares Dem Panic Over Imminent Release of FBI Memo

January 30th, 2018 2:41 PM
Showing classic journalistic hypocrisy, New York Times reporter Nicholas Fandos shared the Democrats’ alarm that Republicans may actually reveal what the country’s domestic surveillance organization is doing behind closed doors in his report for Tuesday’s front page, “Republicans Vote to Release A Secret Memo.” An aggrieved Fandos led with criticism of the Republican vote to release the now-…

Tom Brokaw Compares Nunes Memo To Watergate

January 30th, 2018 2:33 PM
On Tuesday, Tom Brokaw appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe to participate in the media-wide offensive against Congressman Devin Nunes’s classified memo. Mr. Brokaw declared that he had been loath to compare “what’s going on here" to the Watergate scandal, before proceeding to do exactly that.

Nets Downplay IG Report in McCabe Resignation, 6x More Trump Blame

January 29th, 2018 10:02 PM

The FBI was caught off guard Monday when Deputy Director Andrew McCabe decided to kick off his retirement early and resigned his post with little fanfare. Speculation swirled over why he chose that day to call it quits but the liberal networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) decided only one person was really to blame: President Trump and his desire to obstruct justice. That despite the fact that other…


Donny Deutsch Loses It, Calls Republicans 'Cockroaches'

January 26th, 2018 12:35 PM
On Friday, an agitated Donny Deutsch reached the end of his rope on the set of MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Deutsch, who appeared deeply affected by a clip of President Trump calling The New York Times “fake news,” eschewed the traditional combination of liberal snark and false superiority characteristic of the show’s other panelists, opting instead to go with unmitigated rage.

CNN Panel Chastises GOP for Using 'Innuendo' to 'Tar and Feather' FBI

January 26th, 2018 12:42 AM
In a remarkably oblivious segment during CNN’s The Lead on Thursday, host Jake Tapper and his panel ripped into Congressional Republicans for rushing to use the missing FBI text messages and ‘selective leaks’ to claim conspiracy. The exchange was mind-boggling since CNN conducted its brand of journalism in a similar fashion. It actually allowed them to win three out of their four trophies in…

MSNBC Hits GOP 'Nuts' on FBI 'Secret Society,' Liken to 'Pizzagate'

January 26th, 2018 12:06 AM
On Thursday's Deadline: White House on MSNBC, during a discussion of Republicans pushing theories of a "secret society" within the FBI that is trying to undermine President Donald Trump, Republican-leaning MSNBC contributor Elise Jordan likened the issue to the fake "Pizzagate" story that resulted in a deranged gunman storming into a pizza restaurant.  

CNN Gives 11x More Coverage to Trump Scandals than Immigration Plan

January 25th, 2018 11:47 PM
Early Thursday night, the White House released the parameters of an immigration plan being sent to Congress, which included legalizating 1.8 million illegal immigrants. However, this dramatic attempt at a compromise fell on deaf ears at CNN. From 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern, CNN devoted an astonishing 11 times more coverage to the Trump-Russia probe, discrediting the Peter Strzok-Lisa Page…

ABC Dismisses Seriousness of FBI Texts, Knocks Those Who Are Concerned

January 25th, 2018 9:35 PM
On Thursday, it was announced that the missing FBI text messages were recovered and heading to Congress for review. With this development, the liberal media finally had an interest in the story, but they instead pushed a narrative that there was nothing to worry about, there wasn’t a scandal to be had, and anyone arguing as such were being political. And during the evening network newscasts, ABC’…

CNN Panel Dismisses Any FBI Criticism; This Is What Authoritarians Do!

January 25th, 2018 4:06 PM

CNN’s The Situation Room continued on Wednesday the liberal media narrative to condemn any questioning of the FBI and Mueller investigation, deeming it the sort of thing meant to confuse and permanently “discredit” institutions that occur in authoritarian regimes like Russia and Turkey.


Scarborough: FBI 'Conspiracy Theories' Are 'Making America Less Safe'

January 25th, 2018 1:20 PM
On Thursday, panelists on MSNBC’s Morning Joe continued their all-out offensive against congressional Republicans and others who have raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest in the Mueller probe. The majority of the three-hour show was spent attacking House Intel Committee Chariman Devin Nunes, the New York Post, Donald Trump Jr., and other public figures who have dared question the…

MSNBC’s Steele Declares: GOP Will ‘Rue the Day’ It Questioned the FBI

January 25th, 2018 12:28 AM
As the missing FBI text message controversy continued to grow and the Inspector General’s investigation marched on, the liberal media had adopted the strategy to completely smear any criticism directed at the bureau. And during MSNBC’s MTP Daily on Wednesday, former RNC Chairman Michael Steele obnoxiously chimed in and declared that Republicans were “going to rue the day” they decided to question…

MSNBC: FBI Concerns Are ‘Destroying’ America Using ‘McCarthy Playbook'

January 24th, 2018 8:32 PM

For the second straight day, MSNBC’s Hardball dismissed any and all Republican questions on Wednesday about bias inside the FBI as modern-day McCarthyism that’s a smoke screen “destroying” and “hurting” America. Host Chris Matthews predictably set the tone, referring to Republicans such as Senator Ron Johnson (Wisc.) as “toadies” being ordered by the White House to “do anything to deflect or…


CBS & NBC Quick to Dismiss Missing FBI Texts, ABC Still Ignores

January 24th, 2018 1:17 PM
Even though CBS and NBC had just started to cover revelations that five months worth of text messages from anti-Trump FBI officials had gone missing, on Wednesday morning, correspondents on both networks were already trying to dismiss the story as a “partisan” GOP effort to “undermine” Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. Meanwhile, ABC continued to remain silent on the news.

ABC Still Not Covering Missing Texts, Nets Silent on 'Secret Society'

January 23rd, 2018 9:32 PM

The revelations concerning missing FBI text messages continued to snowball on Tuesday as news trickled out that, via the remaining 50,000 texts, the FBI was home to a so-called “secret society” that began meeting after President Trump was elected. And despite how the revelations have been reported by other major news outlets, the three major network news outlets have been reluctant to cover…