Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

CNN's Kohn: Bill Clinton 'Tainted' 'Liberalism' by Moving Right
February 5th, 2016 12:50 PM
As CNN's Chris Cuomo on Friday hosted a debate between the left and the far left over whether "progressive" Democrats should embrace Hillary Clinton as one of them, liberal CNN political commentator Sally Kohn absurdly claimed that the reason the word "liberalism" became "tainted" was because former President Bill Clinton went to the right on gay rights and welfare reform. This in spite of the…
Mark Ruffalo: 'I Get Angry' That There's a Debate Over Climate Change
June 25th, 2015 3:15 PM
The man who plays the Incredible Hulk is angry: “angry that we are still debating climate change,” angry about fossil fuel investment and more.
Using the far-left environmental website Grist on June 17, Mark Ruffalo leveraged his fame and popularity to rage about the supposed danger of fossil fuels, and pushed his goal of 100 percent renewable energy by 2050. That goal was implausible at best,…

NPR Honors Barney Frank, Compares Opposing Gay Agenda to Racism
March 21st, 2015 7:31 AM
Ultraliberal former Congressman Barney Frank promoted his book Frank on National Public Radio on Monday on the badly named Fresh Air show with Terry Gross. Only one point of view is normally allowed on that stale show.
Early in the 38-minute softball session, Gross really loaded a question about Christian-right “homophobia” in the Reagan years, proclaiming you would have to be avoid saying “…

Actual Huffington Post Headline: '6 Reasons Never To Get Married
October 21st, 2013 3:23 PM
Isn't it fascinating that as liberals push for same-sex marriage many of their ilk are always trying to destroy or defame the very institution itself?
Consider author Leah Hager Cohen who actually published a piece at the Huffington Post titled "6 Reasons Never To Get Married":

ABC's John Quinones Rehashes Hunt For Homophobic Americans In New Jers
July 17th, 2013 8:49 AM
With the Supreme Court ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act last month, you know that ABC’s “What Would You Do?” just had to produce a segment on gay marriage – again. In the July 12 broadcast, the show decided to pick the liberal state of New Jersey -- a blue state for a change -- in order to find these nasty, homophobic Americans. The scenario was simple. Two lesbians walk into a local…

Girl Scouts March in Gay Pride
July 3rd, 2013 1:40 PM
If the newly gay-friendly Boy Scouts were paying attention last week, they may have caught a glimpse of their future.
According to USAToday, Girl Scouts marched in San Francisco’s infamous gay Pride Parade “for the first time.” Celebrating the “boost” that the DOMA and Prop 8 rulings gave to the Pride Parade, the article quoted Girl Scout parent Del Gregor, who brought her 11-year-old…

George Takei Omits 'Under God' from Pledge, Slams Chris Christie on Ga
July 1st, 2013 6:19 PM
Appearing as a guest on Saturday's The Ed Show on MSNBC, actor George Takei omitted "under God" as he started quoting from the Pledge of Allegiance during a segment in which the gay rights activist and former Star Trek cast member reacted to the Supreme Court ruling that struck down the Defense of Marriage Act.
Referring to the one-third of Americans who live in a state where same-sex…

Video: NB's Hadro Mentioned on FNC's Fox News Watch
July 1st, 2013 5:32 PM
During a discussion on the June 29 Fox News Watch about the liberal media's biased coverage of the close of the Supreme Court's term, panelist Jim Pinkerton cited research by NewsBusters writer and Media Research Center news analyst Matt Hadro. as to the sheer imbalance in how the media presented the sides of the gay marriage and Votings Rights Act cases.
The relevant transcript and video…

'Crossfire' Returns With Debate Over Supreme Court Rulings on Gay Marr
June 28th, 2013 11:18 AM
After more than eight years since the cancellation of “Crossfire” in June of 2005, the once-popular debate program returned to the Cable News Network on Wednesday as a segment of that evening's “Piers Morgan Live” with a spirited debate about the U.S. Supreme Court decisions regarding California's Proposition 8 and the dismissal of part of the Defense of Marriage Act.
The first new debate…

MSNBC's Hayes Celebrates 'Sweet, Sweet Victory' of Gay Marriage Ruling
June 27th, 2013 6:48 PM
On Wednesday's All In show on MSNBC, host Chris Hayes opened the program rejoicing over the "sweet, sweet victory" of the Supreme Court ruling against the federal Defense of Marriage Act, calling it a "watershed moment in the centuries-long struggle for equality in this country."
After playing clips of news coverage of the ruling, Hayes declared:
Lefties Say Marriage Ruling Not Pro-Gay Enough
June 27th, 2013 4:21 PM
You’d think the uber-lefty talking heads at Huffington Post would be wildly rejoicing over the DOMA and Prop 8 rulings in the Supreme Court. But actually, HuffPo Live’s panel complained on June 26 that the decisions weren’t quite pro-gay enough.
The entirely one-sided, pro-gay panel did celebrate the victory but also voiced discontent with the broadness and vagueness of the decisions. Brian…

'Today' Show Panel Praises Pop Culture Being 'Ahead of the Courts' on
June 27th, 2013 3:44 PM
Leading off a panel discussion on Thursday's NBC Today applauding the Supreme Court's gay marriage decisions, co-host Natalie Morales proclaimed: "Wednesday's historic ruling on same-sex marriage is being celebrated across the country, but it was sixteen years ago when Ellen Degeneres marked a milestone, breaking a huge barrier in front of millions of people on primetime TV." [Listen to the…
MRC Study: CNN Hands Airwaves to Liberals After Supreme Court Decision
June 27th, 2013 3:16 PM
CNN really showed its bias in reacting to two very different Supreme Court decisions this week. On Tuesday, the Court struck down a portion of the 1965 Voting Rights Act; in the hours that followed, CNN's coverage included four times as many critics of the decision as supporters (8 vs. 2).
Then on Wednesday, the Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act and permitted the nullification of…

USA TODAY: Hollywood ‘the best man of gay marriage
June 27th, 2013 3:10 PM
Being a Hollywood liberal means getting to choose which societal developments you’re responsible for. Culture of violence? Our blood-spattered shoot-em-ups are just good fun that don’t influence anyone. Growing acceptance of gay-marriage? Put our names high in the credits for that one!
Hollywood “has for decades now chipped away at a once taboo topic,” USA Today reporter Marco della Cava …