Entitlements, Spending Are the Real Problem (Not Kevin McCarthy)

October 5th, 2023 5:59 PM

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley got to the heart of the government shutdown fireworks in her appearance on Fox News Sunday. “Let's be clear what the Freedom Caucus is really trying to do; they are trying to cut spending.” That's of course correct. One would be hard-pressed to find any Republican, Freedom Caucus member or not, who does not understand the gravity of the state of…


Nets Wail Federal Bureaucrats Won't Get Paid During Govt Shutdown

September 25th, 2023 8:21 PM

With the deadline to avert a government shutdown just days away, all three evening news broadcasts went back to a familiar playbook they've used since at least the Reagan administration where they find government bureaucrats who will cry poor due to not receiving a paycheck during a potential shutdown. This isn't even the case most times since most government employees get paid on a bi-weekly…

Budget Gimmicks: D.C. Labels Everything an ‘Emergency’ to Spend More

September 25th, 2023 11:51 AM

Did you survive the budget cuts from the last debt ceiling fight? President Joe Biden called them “draconian,” while Republicans praised the deal’s “historic reductions in spending.” But both parties conned us, as my new video explains. What they call “cuts” were just a reduction in their planned spending increase. Instead of raising spending by 7.8%, they increased it by “only” 3.9%. Only…


MSNBC Blames 'Chaos Created By The GOP' U.S. Credit Downgrade

August 3rd, 2023 10:05 AM

During a discussion on former President Donald Trump’s latest indictment related to January 6, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle went on a bit of a digression on Wednesday’s The 11th Hour to discuss Fitch downgrading the U.S.’s credit rating, which according to her was caused by “was the chaos created by the GOP” including January 6. Of course, Fitch’s own explanation was a little bit more…

Free Market in Colorado? Democratic Gov. Argues for Economic Freedom

August 2nd, 2023 12:26 PM

There is actually a Democratic governor who cares about economic freedom! He’s Colorado Gov. Jared Polis. He’s the subject of my new video. Before Polis got into the ugly field of government, he did useful work. He was an entrepreneur. He started an online flower company, modernized his parents’ greeting card company, and founded charter schools, an internet access company, Spanish-speaking…


CNN Bashes GOP for Cutting Trans Surgeries from Military Spending Bill

July 14th, 2023 9:23 PM

CNN This Morning bashed Republicans for a military spending bill that excluded payments for abortion, diversity promotion, and transgender care to military personnel on Friday. Its reporters exaggerated the past bipartisanism of the bill, claimed Republicans were throwing a fit and using the military as a political pawn, and seemingly compared the cut benefits to rolling back racial…

Media Skip GOP Efforts to Bring DoD Spending Under Control at Hearing

July 13th, 2023 5:03 PM

On Thursday, the House held a joint Oversight subcommittee hearing looking into the financial management of the Department of Defense (DoD). The DoD’s budget constituted 15 percent of total government spending and half of discretionary spending but failed its previous five audits. The hearing exposing the extraordinary extent of the failure to report spending did not receive any live coverage…


Republican Congressman Michael Lawler Fends off CNN Bulldozing

May 31st, 2023 6:09 PM

CNN This Morning’s anchor Poppy Harlow pressed New York Republican Congressman Michael Lawler on Wednesday for saying that the proposed budget would reduce the deficit by $1.5 trillion over the 2023-2033 period. Harlow hyper focused on one specific aspect of the bill which would supposedly cost $2.1 billion more over the next ten years and repeatedly chided Lawler for not mentioning…


CNN Suggests GOP Is Against the Public Good Citing IRS Spending Cuts

May 30th, 2023 5:11 PM

CNN Chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans criticized Republicans for the amount of money the potential budget deal allotted to the IRS on Tuesday. The proposed plan included $60 billion for the IRS as opposed to the $80 billion that Democrats favored. Romans portrayed Republicans as opposed to the public good because they didn’t want to increase the bureaucracy’s budget. She failed to…


STUDY: TV News Blamed GOP, Not Big-Spending Dems, for Debt Drama

May 30th, 2023 1:00 PM

In their coverage of the just-concluded debt ceiling stand-off, ABC, CBS and NBC put the onus for a potential default on Republicans, ignored the dangers of the rising national debt, and hyped GOP proposals to trim spending as extreme attempts to “gut” or “slash” liberal programs.


Useless Watchdogs: Nets NEVER Complained About Huge Spending Bills

May 22nd, 2023 10:00 AM

A new Media Research Center study finds broadcast network reporters never criticized the size of the most massive spending bills (more than $1 trillion) passed by the Congress going back to 2018. Instead, reporters usually echoed the politicians promoting this spending by repeatedly listing the benefits of each bill, without discussing how the spending would affect the national debt or…


Study: Taxpayer-Subsidized PBS Whacks GOP with 85% Negative News

May 16th, 2023 8:30 AM

Given their government funding, citizens should expect public broadcasting’s news coverage to be scrupulously neutral, yet an exhaustive Media Research Center study of PBS NewsHour found coverage of the first four months of the new Congress has been heavily slanted against Republicans.


NBC Digs Up Decades Old Leftist Playbook to Attack GOP for Budget Cuts

May 9th, 2023 9:14 PM

The more things change, the more they stay the same. On Tuesday night, NBC Nightly News cried crocodile tears over proposed GOP spending cuts that weren’t actually cuts, and how the budget proposal would supposedly cause poor people to go hungry. In addition, NBC huffed that this could happen if the United States went into default due to President Biden’s refusal to negotiate with…

With the Debt Limit, It’s the Same Old Song

May 3rd, 2023 1:54 PM

The very term “debt limit” makes a mockery of any kind of responsible budgeting. Each time the government reaches the “limit” it gets raised with the familiar scenarios that include threats of a government shutdown (an idea that increasingly appeals to some conservatives) and the claim that the “full faith and credit” of the U.S. is at stake. We have faith and credit? Who knew?