Robert Redford on Obama: 'Like So Many Others I'm Beginning to Wonder

September 3rd, 2011 10:31 AM
Barack Obama's Hope and Change ether appears to be wearing off on Robert Redford. On Friday evening, the Oscar-winning actor and environmental activist published a rather scathing piece at the Huffington Post about the man Hollywood blindly put all its faith behind in 2008:

NPR Wholeheartedly Endorses Women Freezing Eggs; Fails to Disclose Ris

June 1st, 2011 9:32 AM
On Tuesday's Morning Edition, NPR's Jennifer Ludden all but acted as an proponent of egg donation and freezing to preserve women's fertility, but failed to acknowledge the dangers associated with the donation process, ranging from negative psychological effects to kidney failure and death. Ludden barely touched on other risks to the procedures, such as using them to permit women over 50 become…

NYT: 'For the Sake of a Cleaner Planet, Should Americans Wear Dirtier

March 8th, 2011 6:06 PM
"For the sake of a cleaner planet, should Americans wear dirtier clothes?" So comically began a New York Times article on the front page of the Gray Lady's Science section Tuesday ironically titled "When Energy Efficiency Sullies the Environment" (photo courtesy Viktor Koen):

Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection Shutting Down Offices

December 6th, 2010 8:45 AM
The man at the forefront of conning governments and businesses into believing carbon dioxide is destroying the planet apparently is scaling back his efforts to do so. According to Politico, Al Gore's political action group the Alliance for Climate Protection is shutting down some of its offices:

Chris Matthews Calls Republican Global Warming Skeptics Luddites

December 2nd, 2010 11:29 AM
Chris Matthews on Wednesday called Republicans that are skeptical of man's role in global warming Luddites, referring to the 19th century movement in Great Britain that was opposed to changes associated with the Industrial Revolution. Clearly missing the absurdity in his analogy, the "Hardball" host arrogantly stated (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Media Mostly Ignore Gore Admitting He Only Supported Ethanol Mandates

November 24th, 2010 1:15 PM
On Monday, NewsBusters was the first American media outlet to report Nobel laureate Al Gore's admission that he only supported ethanol mandates in the '90s because he thought it would help his presidential ambitions. As it turns out, with very few exceptions, no major news divisions thought this was at all important:

Al Gore Says He Supported 'Not Good' Ethanol Policies To Help His Pres

November 22nd, 2010 9:05 AM
Nobel laureate Al Gore said this weekend that tax breaks for corn-based ethanol are "not good policy" and that he only supported these subsidies in order to assist his eventual run for president. Reuters Africa reported Monday the former Vice President made these comments while speaking to a green energy conference in Athens.

BP Rage: Aided and Abetted by 'Kick-A**' Rhetoric? (Plus: A Developing

June 10th, 2010 12:28 PM
Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds employed sarcastic irony this morning when he wrote that "Obama’s hate speech is promoting violence against BP." Well, it's at least clear that the blame game out of Washington isn't helping the situation.

Back to the 50s: The New York Times Takes on the Dangers of...Fluorida

May 27th, 2010 4:43 PM
The front of Thursday's New York Times Home section is dominated by a photo illustration by Josef Astor of someone in a white hazmat suit, accompanying Penelope Green's long article on detoxifying her home: "Domestic Detox: Cleaning to Extremes." Here's the text box for flavor: "Your lovely scented candles are polluting the air and the shower's spewing pathogens. Now what?"I kept looking for the…

Pentagon Rescinds Franklin Graham’s Invitation, Al Sharpton is Welco

April 23rd, 2010 10:21 AM
The Pentagon rescinded the invitation of evangelist Franklin Graham to speak at its May 6 National Day of Prayer event because of complaints about his previous comments about Islam. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation expressed its concern over Graham's involvement with the event in an April 19 letter sent to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. MRFF's complaint about Graham, the son of…

New Global Warming Alarmism from LA Times: 'The World is Running Short

April 19th, 2010 2:45 PM
We have now reached the apex of "heads I win, tails you lose" global-warming alarmism. In his April 18 op-ed for the LA Times, author Eli Kintisch warned that "the world is running short on air pollution, and if we continue to cut back on smoke pouring forth from industrial smokestacks," global warming consequences could be "profound." Having painted themselves into an environmental conundrum,…

YouTube Gives Gore an Earthday Megaphone

April 5th, 2010 2:13 PM
YouTube is assisting Al "Eco-Prophet" Gore throw a Hail Mary pass to the growing segment of Americans who are "deniers" of the earth's "climate crisis." This time, Gore and his organization, the Alliance for Climate Protection, has issued a call-to-arms for young hipsters to make a video about climate change for a YouTube Video Volunteer contest. "[A]s we celebrate our 40th Anniversary of…

Newsweek Helps Energy Secretary Chu Push Cap-and-Trade

April 1st, 2010 11:48 AM
At Newsweek, the global warming crusade remains an important mission. The magazine's latest push came in an interview by CNN contributor Fareed Zakharia of Energy Secretary Steven Chu. Zakaria threw softballs to Chu throughout the article, as Newsweek showed it was simply a matter of when - not if - the administration should continue to pursue a drastic environmental agenda. It was revealing…

Blizzard of Lies: Debunking The Warm-Air-Holds-More-Moisture Defense

February 12th, 2010 7:21 AM
Update: Rush cites this article to rip global warmist hypocrisy.  On today's show, Rush Limbaugh cited NewsBusters and read from this article to demonstrate the global warmists' hypocrisy: "when there is less snow, they say it's because of global warming. When there is more snow, they say it's because of global warming.  Now you cannot have it both ways."  Rush played several clips of Dem…