Bias by Omission

Todd: Wanting to Stop Shootings a ‘Problem on the Republican Side'
The liberal hackery was strong on NBC’s Sunday Today as political director Chuck Todd claimed that the debate on how to stop gun violence in America was not a discussion on the method, but a refusal by Republicans to want to stop the killing of innocent people at all. His ridiculous smear came a few days after multiple people were killed at an Indiana FedEx facility by a 19-year-old…

CBS Obfuscates Dems Scheme to Pack SCOTUS, ABC Downplays Controversy
In a pathetic Thursday morning announcement in front of the Supreme Court, a gathering of radical Democrats from the House and Senate announced a bill that would pack the court with four liberal justices in an attempt to undo the conservative majority on the highest bench. It was a sleazy plot that would undo over 150 years of precedent, but it apparently didn’t rise to the level of newsworthy…
Health and Safety? CNN Covers Up Crew Member Battered at BLM 'Protest'
Shortly before the handoff between CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 and Cuomo Prime Time on Wednesday, a person from one of their crews on the ground in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota became the victim of battery when a member of the Black Lives Matter mob beamed him in the head with an apparently frozen water bottle, causing him to seemingly lose consciousness for a moment and fall to…

FNC’s Kurtz Gives Viewers Crash Course on Lib Media Bias Post-Trump
It’s become obvious to most people paying attention over the past four to five years that the liberal media had become activists consumed by their hatred of President Trump; it’s a fact that’s indisputable. And ever since Joe Biden became President, the liberal media had shifted their focus towards beating down all Republicans and gaslighting their viewers into thinking they’re the enemy. Well…

Dangerous Word Games: Nets Drop 'Mostly Peaceful,' Riots Are Protests
The left’s Orwellian redefining of words took a dangerous step Monday as all three of the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) started to refer to the riots of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota as “protests,” effectively dropping the “mostly peaceful” label they were mocked for using in the summer of 2020. All of this followed an apparently accidental shooting where a cop seemingly went to use…

Republicans Step Up to SCHOOL Liberal Media on Infrastructure Lies
With the liberal media helping to shepherd President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure slush fund for Democratic pet projects, and their help with the Orwellian redefining of infrastructure, the left needed to be taken to task and called out for lying to the American people. Well, during Sunday’s This Week on ABC and CBS’s Face The Nation, former New Jersey Governor Chris…

ABC, NBC Back Biden’s Orwellian Rebranding of Social Programs
Last week Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (NY-D) was mocked on social media for declaring that social programs like “paid leave,” “child care,” and “caregiving” were “infrastructure” because they were part of President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure slush fund. And, during Sunday’s morning newscasts, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today took up the Orwellian…

Big Three CENSOR New Study Slapping Down Biden’s Tax Hikes
The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news networks ignored yet another major economic report slapping down President Joe Biden’s ridiculous corporate tax hike plan as disastrous.

Machine Gun of LIES: Nets Refuse to Fact-Check Biden on Gun Control
On Thursday night, ABC, CBS, NBC went all out in their refusal to critique or fact-check President Joe Biden’s erroneous gun control speech from hours earlier, instead siding with the President’s attempts to hurt law-abiding citizens, pass off stabilizing braces as some menacing feature, and lament the lack of wider anti-gun measures. And when it came to offering an opposing opinion, ABC and…

Wonder Why? CBS Hides Capitol Attacker's Left-Wing Politics [UPDATED]
The media quickly lose interest in investigating the motives of murderers if they don’t happen to be right-wing white guys. Last Friday afternoon, a black man who called himself a follower of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, rammed his car into the Capitol building barricades, killing one police officer and injuring another. But on this morning’s broadcasts, both NBC and CBS completely…

NYT: ‘Sen. Hirono Wonders How Some Republicans Live With Themselves'
Reporter David Marchese interviewed Sen. Mazie Hirono, liberal activist Democrat of Hawaii and scourge of Brett Kavanaugh during his 2018 Supreme Court hearings, for the New York Times Magazine’s “Talk” section. Marchese’s liberal sympathies are clear from the title: "Sen. Mazie Hirono Wonders How Some Republicans Live With Themselves." One question the Times will never pose…

Fredo Whines: A Struggle to Get Vax for In-Laws, Scandal in 'Tabloids'
While CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo continued to reject accountability for his role in his family’s COVID testing scandal, he had the nerve to complain about how his family had to live like average New Yorkers and struggle to get coronavirus vaccines for his in-laws. On top of that, he took a shot at outlets who reported on his family’s special treatment with COVID testing…

Sore Loser Dem Trying to Steal Seat Calls It Quits, Nets Skip the Plot
For weeks, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Democratic candidate Rita Hart had been plotting to steal Iowa's second congressional district from Republican Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks, who rightfully won the election back in 2020. But on Wednesday, Hart called it quits on her dubious efforts and NewsBusters couldn’t help but notice that the likes of ABC, CBS, and NBC refused to…

Good Lap Dogs: CBS, NBC Ignored Biden’s Dog Attacking Another Person
In a Monday afternoon incident at the White House (which didn’t break until Tuesday), President Biden’s 3-year-old German shepherd Major attacked another person after a previous incident earlier in the month. The injuries were so bad they “required medical attention,” according to CNN, but neither CBS Evening News nor NBC Nightly News thought it was newsworthy. On the other…