Bias by Omission

Nets Turn Back on Loudoun Parents Meeting Major Step for Recall Effort
On Wednesday afternoon, Loudoun County parents, via the organization Fight for Schools, filed their petition to recall their corrupt, radical leftist school board after the members and the superintendent tried to cover up a rape in a girl’s bathroom by a “gender-fluid” boy wearing a skirt. It was the latest development in a county that has garnered national attention; but yet again, the…

NewsBusters Podcast: Journalistic Malpractice With Election Coverage
In this episode of the NewsBusters Podcast, Curtis Houck and I examined the liberal media malpractice in covering last week’s elections as they elevate state elections that suit their needs while relegating them to ‘local story’ status when they need to bury them. We also spoke with Research Director Scott Whitlock about calling out their obfuscation of the close governor’s race in New Jersey…

ABC Buries Key Testimony Damning for Prosecution in Rittenhouse Trial
ABC News buried testimony damning to the prosecution's case in the Kenosha shooting trial in both its online report as well as in its evening news broadcast.

Nets Ignore Biden Advisor Now Implicated By Durham Probe of Hoax
Hours before the broadcast evening newscasts went to air Tuesday, Fox News discovered that President Biden’s national security advisor, Jake Sullivan was implicated by Special Counsel John Durham and his investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, because of his connections to the debunked Steele dossier and the people who fed the lies to the FBI.

Fox News Rips Apart Lib Media Narrative Youngkin Ran Racist Campaign
On Sunday, Fox News Channel MediaBuzz anchor Howard Kurtz kicked off the program by tearing apart the liberal media’s narrative that Virginia Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin was appealing to racists with his campaign. And it wasn’t just him, Kurtz leaned on a panel representing separate ideologies who agreed that the narrative was a lie.

Newsweek Editor BLASTS Lib Media 'Elites' for Weaponizing 'Wokeness'
Newsweek deputy opinion editor Batya Ungar-Sargon left quite an impression during an appearance on Sunday’s Reliable Sources as she politely went at it with CNN host Brian Stelter over how the “highly affluent, highly educated liberal elites” both in the media and the left generally have weaponized “wokeness” against the “working-class of all races” in America.

ABC Panel Pummels GOP Over Victory in Virginia, Predict No Repeats
There was a load of mixed messages flying around the set of ABC’s This Week on Sunday, as the mostly-liberal panel was having a hard time digesting the Republican sweep in Virginia and the rejection of Democratic policies across the country last Tuesday. And aside from admitting that Democrats had some work to do on messaging, the panel took to pummeling Republicans with charges of…

Nets Look Away as Durham Charges Source of Debunked Steele Dossier
On Thursday, Special Prosecutor John Durham dragged a Russian national, who was the primary source in the infamous and debunked dossier that kicked off the Russian collusion hoax, into court Thursday on charges of lying to the FBI with his information. And as would be expected, the liberal broadcast networks had no interest in sharing this massive development in the false story they tried to…

'Garbage' to 'Comfortable': Nets Skip Massive 'Payday' to Illegals
During a press briefing on Wednesday, President Biden claimed a report that his administration would shell out $450,000 to illegal immigrants whose families were separated at the border was “garbage” and the payments were “not going to happen.” But during a press briefing on Thursday, the administration admitted that they were going to give those illegals a payday for an undisclosed amount of…

Republican Confronts Cuomo, Lincoln Project on Lies Against Youngkin
Sparks flashed on Cuomo Prime Time as Republican Scott Jennings, former special assistant to President George W. Bush, confronted Chris “Fredo” Cuomo and the Lincoln Project’s Stuart Stevens on the heinous lies that were spewed against Virginia’s governor-elect, Glenn Youngkin (R). Jennings called out the falsehoods and had Cuomo on his heels as he yelled at the CNN host about the…

ABC, NBC Hint Youngkin Catered to Racists, Skip Black Republican’s Win
The liberal media’s immediate reaction to the left’s defeat in Virginia on Election Day was to start screaming at the state and accusing voters of forwarding a racist agenda because Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin (R) had promised to get Critical Race Theory out of schools there. But to help perpetuate the false narrative, they ignored how those same Virginia voters elected Winsome Sears (R), a…

MSNBC Suggests 'Brandon' AR-15 Parts Are 'Violent Threats' to Biden
MSNBC was in a panic Monday after they discovered that companies in the firearms industry made novelty AR-15 parts featuring the anti-President Biden slogan “Let’s Go Brandon” adoring them. It also proved to be another demonstration of just how little the liberal media understood about firearms and gun laws, as they claimed the parts represented clear and present “threats” to the President.…

No Confidence? Nets Ignore Virginia Governor's Race on Eve of Election
The gubernatorial race in Virginia was understood to be a preview of the 2022 midterms, and/or a referendum on the Biden administration and other liberal policies. But on Monday, the eve of Election Day, ABC's World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News seemed to hint that they had little to no confidence in Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s ability to beat…

CBS Deflated By Dem Prospects in Virginia Race, Avoid Loudoun Rapes
On Sunday, CBS’s Face the Nation waited until the very end of the program to address at the Virginia gubernatorial race where Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin looked as though he could pull off an upset against Democrat Terry McAuliffe. And while they ignored the many education-linked controversies that were occurring simultaneously in the commonwealth, and blamed Youngkin’s rise on…