
10 Worst Liberal TV Scenes of 2018 So Far
June 7th, 2018 7:00 AM
We’re hardly halfway through 2018, and entertainment television has already given us heaps of liberal propaganda before we've even started our summer vacations. If the first five months were any indication, we’re in for a long year filled with race-baiting, Christian-bashing, and ever-growing Trump Derangement Syndrome.

CNN's Boykin: 'Donald Trump Exists to Divide Us'
June 3rd, 2018 9:57 AM
During Thursday’s edition of CNN’s At This Hour with Kate Bolduan, CNN commentator Keith Boykin went on a rant against President Trump, saying “Donald Trump exists to divide us. Everything he does is divisive.” Boykin also effectively blamed President Trump for comedian Samantha Bee’s decision to refer to his daughter Ivanka as a “c***”: “I think the larger point here that is missing is the…

David Brooks Expresses Grudging Respect for Trump's Accomplishments
May 11th, 2018 12:54 PM
New York Times columnist David Brooks has committed the unpardonable sin in liberal eyes of expressing support for President Donald Trump's foreign policy. Even though he described Trump as coming from a "thug" background, showing any support, even of a grudging variety, for Trump is quite surprising considering Brooks' extreme Never Trumper background.

ABC Drama: Terrorist Revealed as Libertarian Wanting 'Free Enterprise'
May 3rd, 2018 1:41 AM
Now that the matter of presidential removal has been covered, ABC’s Designated Survivor can go back to what it’s best at: promoting the liberal agenda. When it’s not overtly defending liberal values, the show usually spends time demeaning political opponents, and this week’s story is probably the dumbest attack I’ve seen this season. Forget ISIS or even Antifa, the real threat to our nation’s…

Telemundo destaca minúscula marcha Nazi como noticia titular
April 25th, 2018 9:14 PM
El mismo día en que un artículo en la portada del Washington Post reportó el colapso a nivel nacional de los grupos de derecha alternativa, Telemundo destacó entre los titulares de su noticiario, un informe engañoso y deshonesto sobre una pequeñísima marcha de socialistas nacionalistas en Newnan, Georgia.

Telemundo Headlines Minuscule Nazi March
April 25th, 2018 6:36 PM
On the same day a front-page Washington Post article chronicled the nationwide collapse of the Alt Right, Telemundo played up a deceptive and dishonest report about a minuscule march of National Socialists in Newnan, Georgia. The report by the Spanish-language sister network of NBC deliberately neglected to reveal just how small the group of Neo Nazis were (The New York Times reported two dozen)…

Alt-Left Insanity: San Fran Cathedral Holding ‘Beyoncé Mass’
April 20th, 2018 2:39 PM
If you’re in San Francisco April 25, hopscotch your way over and around the homeless people, discarded needles and human feces to Grace Cathedral for true spiritual nourishment -- the transubstantiation of bread into Pop Tart.

Trump Pouts on Colbert Cartoon Show: Mueller 'Wants to Lock Me Up'
March 25th, 2018 11:07 PM
A government shutdown is caused by President Trump’s inability to focus on the budget resolution bill in the March 25 episode of Our Cartoon President on Showtime. Stephen Colbert’s lame weekly animated attack on President Trump and his administration is quickly running out of steam.

Go Figure: LA Times Praises Violent Berkeley Extremist
March 19th, 2018 1:55 PM
Last week, the Los Angeles Times published a feature piece on UC-Berkeley student Ismael Chamu, that highlighted the struggles he and his family face on a daily basis. The only problem? The article never mentioned that Chamu is a radical, violent, left-wing extremist – with ties to Antifa. Chamu was charged with felony vandalism in 2017, after allegedly spray-painting graffiti around his campus.

NYT Smears Rush as Conspiracist for Calling Student Protests Political
February 22nd, 2018 7:39 AM
New York Times media reporter Michael Grynbaum smeared conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh as a Florida shooting conspiracist in “Dubious Theories on Shooting In Florida Find an Audience." Grynbaum opportunistically lumped Rush and former congressman Jack Kingston into conspiracists making nutty claims about “false flags” and “crisis actors.”

Tomasky in NYRB on Trump, ‘The Worst of the Worst,’ Inciting Violence
February 6th, 2018 3:13 PM
The New York Review of Books February 22 issue prominently displayed journalist Michael Tomasky’s blessing of two virulently anti-Trump books, Michael Wolff’s infamous Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, and the anti-conservative jeremiad Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republican by David Frum. The NYRB’s cover teaser read “Fire in the White House.” The review's title was “…

‘Law & Order: SVU’ Depicts Rape of Female Conservative Commentator
February 1st, 2018 5:30 AM
NBC’s Law and Order: SVU has always been a reliable series to find liberal bias, whether it includes painting Christians as rape apologists or gender fluidity as “cool.” But I think we were overdue for an episode that gives us a real, honest glimpse of what the show thinks of the right. Look no further than this week's episode title “Info Wars.”

Alt-Left Insanity: U.S. Soldiers Are ‘Storm-Troopers Of An Evil Empire
January 18th, 2018 10:00 AM
America is an evil empire. It’s troops are “fascists in uniform,” with every one of them a “war criminal.” That bit of anti-American propaganda comes via the Antifa site ItsGoingDown -- the alt-left folks who can’t afford an apostrophe.
I had thought the Antifa scum had calmed down after news reports that government was treating them like domestic terrorists. Or, if nothing else, I figured they…

Character Praised for Putting Poop in College Republicans' Fridge
January 17th, 2018 10:22 PM
Alone Together is a new show on Freeform which chronicles depressing Millennial best friends Benji (Benji Afalo) and Esther (Esther Povitsky) living in Los Angeles. The second episode, "Road Trip," aired on January 17 and followed the pair going on a road trip with their friend Jeff (Edgar Blackmon) to celebrate Benji's birthday and we find out how they feel about Republicans in what might be the…