2016 Congressional

Actress Admits She Went 'Crazy' 'Screaming' at Trump In Her Nightmares
May 21st, 2019 9:15 AM
Actress Julianna Margulies (ER, The Good Wife) was on The Late Show Monday evening to promote her new television show, The Hot Zone, when liberal host Stephen Colbert sharply turned to politics. Margulies admitted that she had “gone insane” when Donald Trump was elected and started having nightmares of herself screaming at him in the Oval Office.

Scarborough Begs Billionaire Tom Steyer: Get Bill Barr Disbarred!
May 21st, 2019 8:04 AM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough calls on billionaire Tom Steyer to "get some lawyers" to work for the disbarment of Attorney General William Barr. Steyer has spent tens of millions of dollars on TV ads calling for the impeachment of President Trump.

Scarborough Comes Unglued on Pompeo: 'Absolute Fool, Beyond Contempt'
May 6th, 2019 8:16 AM
Joe Scarborough's white-hot hatred of Donald Trump apparently extends to members of the President's administration. On Morning Joe, Scarborough launched a nasty, personal attack on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Scarborough's stream of insults about Pompeo included the following: "absolute fool; disgraceful; beneath contempt; should be ashamed of himself; bumbling, stupid act; unworthy to hold…

Joy Reid Show Stokes Fears Trump Will Refuse to Leave Office
May 5th, 2019 6:18 PM
The Joy Reid show stokes fears that President Trump will refuse to leave office if he is defeated in the 2020 election, saying there is a "significant threat" of that happening, and drawing parallels to the Watergate era, asserting that President Nixon floated the notion of using military force to remain in power.

'They've Broken My Spirit': Camerota Bummed By No Action Against Trump
May 3rd, 2019 7:18 AM
Poor Alisyn Camerota. She had so been hoping that the Mueller report would bring President Trump crashing down. And now that it seems very unlikely that will happen, Alisyn is deeply bummed. Or, as Camerota put it this morning "they've broken my spirit," adding that the lack of action against President Trump is "disheartening."

Kamala Harris Consoles Seth Meyers Over Mueller: ‘We Are Not Crazy'
April 5th, 2019 7:30 AM
Senator Kamala Harris appeared on Late Night With Seth Meyers on Thursday night and she was greeting with all the adoration you would expect from a liberal fanboy like Meyers.

For Bitter Scarborough, Barr Has Become Trump's 'Own Roy Cohn'
March 29th, 2019 10:21 AM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says: "[Republicans] are hiding behind Donald Trump's own Roy Cohn, William Barr. Yeah, I said it. Donald Trump's own Roy Cohn." But now that the Mueller report has been so devastating to liberal hopes, the MSM has turned on Barr with a vengeance. On today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough said:

Excited NBC: Barbara Bush Blamed Trump for Her Heart Attack!
March 27th, 2019 11:46 AM
On Tuesday, NBC’s Today show eagerly promoted a new biography of Barbara Bush in which the late First Lady “blames Trump for her heart attack.” In addition to seizing on that absurd notion, the morning show went on to ghoulishly tout how Bush kept “a Trump countdown clock marking the days remaining in his term...at her bedside until the day she died.”

Hostin Moves Goalposts: Trump Still 'Illegitimate' Because of Hacking
March 26th, 2019 4:19 PM
After melting down Monday, View co-hosts Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin were still refusing to admit that Mueller found no collusion, on Tuesday’s show. A shell shocked Behar expressed confusion that the findings didn’t turn out how she had hoped, while Hostin moved the goalposts, arguing that Trump was an illegitimate president even if he wasn’t guilty of collusion.

Nets Ignore Obama's DOJ Telling FBI What Not to Charge Hillary With
March 13th, 2019 9:45 PM
Wow, 370 pages of closed-door testimony from an FBI lawyer who alleges the Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Secretary Hillary Clinton for “gross negligence?” The Democrat-controlled House shutting down the committee charged with investigating possible bias at the DOJ and FBI? Those things sound irresistibly tantalizing for reporters but for the Big Three broadcast networks (ABC…

Happy New Year! The Top 10 Most Outrageously Liberal TV Scenes of 2018
January 2nd, 2019 7:00 AM
Another year, another opportunity for TV writers to express their liberal bias and deeply-rooted Trump Derangement Syndrome. Unless you’re a fan of bashing conservatives, stroking racial tensions, and sexualizing children, 2018 was not a great year for television. As I feared, things have definitely gotten worse.

WashPost: Men Who Voted for Trump Are 'Insecure About Their Manhood'
November 29th, 2018 3:37 PM
Apparently “journalism” to The Washington Post now amounts to diagnosing mental illnesses of voting populations they don’t like by looking at their google searches. The paper published an article November 29 that is so mockable it’s surprising it's not satire, with the headline reading, “How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood.”

Melber Tongue-Bathes Behar: You Care, But 'You Don't Demean'
October 30th, 2018 10:11 PM
Somebody, please! Free Ari Melber from the isolation chamber in which he has been cruelly confined! On his MSNBC show The Beat, Ari Melber praised guest and View co-host Joy Behar on Tuesday, telling her that whereas she cares, "you don't demean."

Left-Leaning Outlet Buys 16 Million Page Views on Facebook Ads
October 23rd, 2018 10:22 AM
In the past year leading up to the midterm elections, political ads on social media have been critical. No one understands this more than the Democrats. Between May 7 to October 16, according to the Atlantic, Facebook political spending was topped by Beto O’Rourke, the challenger to Senator Ted Cruz in Texas.