MSNBC's Harris-Perry Mocks People Who Lost Insurance: Suggests Dems Sa

April 20th, 2014 5:51 PM
On the Sunday, April 20, Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, as host Harris-Perry chastised Democrats for not bragging about ObamaCare for the year's midterm elections, she at one point mocked Americans angry about having their health insurance plans cancelled, which she referred to as "crappy plans," as she lamented that Democrats are not boasting about ObamaCare or declaring, "Yeah, you can't…

George Will On ObamaCare: Claiming ‘The Debate Is Over Is Something

April 20th, 2014 12:51 PM
Conservative columnist and Fox News contributor George Will mocked President Obama’s claim last week that the debate over ObamaCare is over and that Republicans need to stop trying to repeal the law. Appearing as a guest on Fox News Sunday on April 20, Will argued that “The debate is over is something of a mantra. The debate is over about climate change, everyone be quiet. The debate is over…

MSNBC Panel Slams GOP Governors Where ObamaCare 'Isn't Going Very Well

April 19th, 2014 11:37 PM
On the Saturday, April 19, Disrupt, as MSNBC's Karen Finney hosted a discussion of ObamaCare noting that President Obama has started encouraging Democrats to brag about the program, guest Dana Milbank of the Washington Post blamed Republican governors for hurting Democratic Senators in red states as he charged that in some states "ObamaCare isn't going very well because of those Republican…

AP Howler: Admin's Good Friday Timing of Latest Keystone Pipeline Dela

April 19th, 2014 1:36 AM
It either doesn't take much to surprise Josh Lederman and Dana Capiello at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, or they have very short memories. The AP pair described the Obama State Department's Friday afternoon statement (roughly 3:30 p.m., based on the "9 hours ago" result returned in a Google search on the document's title at 12:30 a.m. ET) that it would "provide more…

AP: After Years of Touting It, Dems Told Not to Say 'Recovery

April 18th, 2014 11:13 AM
In a Friday morning dispatch which comes off more as a set of election instructions from "Democratic strategists" than as a real news report, David Espo at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, wanted to make sure that political operatives who don't read boring pollster reports still get the message: Don't use the word "recovery" during your fall campaign. In the course of his…

Coulter Column: Three Republicans Who Deserve Your Support In the Prim

April 16th, 2014 11:04 PM
As those of you who follow my hate mail know, I am opposed to running untested candidates against perfectly good incumbent Republican senators this election cycle. It will be a long time before Republicans have as good a year as this to win a Senate majority. Unfortunately, we have idiots doing the idiot thing, pretending to be "tea partiers," while challenging sitting Republican senators…

MSNBC Panel Hits 'Ugly' and 'Vile' Republican 'Extremism,' GOP 'Going

April 16th, 2014 9:15 PM
On the Wednesday, April 16, PoliticsNation on MSNBC, far-left host Al Sharpton berated what he viewed as "extremism" and "intolerant radical views" of Republican candidates for U.S. Senate in Mississippi and North Carolina as he highlighted comments that he considered "offensive," "ugly," and "vile." Guest Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post went so far as to hyperbolically suggest that the…

NYT Praises 'Monk-Like Modesty' of Democratic Castro Brothers

April 16th, 2014 4:29 PM
Two Democratic politicians in Texas apparently warranted a front page, 1200 word story in Wednesday's New York Times. Writer Jason Horowitz profiled San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro and his brother, Congressman Joaquin Castro.  According to Horowitz, "The two brothers share not only looks, ambition and personal mannerisms — they both lower their heads, with almost monklike modesty, when…

Census Health Coverage Survey Changes Make Obamacare Results Undetermi

April 16th, 2014 12:44 AM
In a Tuesday story which appears to have been handed to it on a silver platter, and which the rest of the establishment press seems uninterested in spreading (given that searches at 11:45 p.m. Tuesday at the Associated Press and at Politico returned nothing relevant), the New York Times has reported that the Census Bureau "is changing its annual survey so thoroughly that it will be difficult to…

CNN's King Plays Up CBO's ObamaCare Projection; Wonders Why Dems Won't

April 15th, 2014 5:37 PM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's John King hyped the Congressional Budget Office's projection about ObamaCare – that "yes, ObamaCare is expensive, but less expensive than they thought – by about $104 billion over 10 years. That's a decent junk of change." King asserted that the health care issue is "the big domestic challenge for the President and for Democrats this election year: that is...trying…

NBC Political Editor Whines: ObamaCare Critics 'Have Sole Control of t

April 15th, 2014 4:11 PM
In the first of a series of tweets sent out Tuesday morning, NBC senior political editor Mark Murray complained: "Why ObamaCare's (un)popularity is probably going to continue: ACA opponents have sole control over the airwaves." In a follow-up tweet, Murray cited the Campaign Media Analysis Group: "Per CMAG's Elizabeth Wilner, number of anti-Obamacare commericials since March 31: 32 Number of…

On NYT Front Page, Parker Fawns Over Liberal 'Workhorse' Franken's 'Di

April 13th, 2014 8:44 AM
New York Times political reporter Ashley Parker dominated the paper this weekend, getting front page stories both Saturday and Sunday, one praising a liberal Democrat as a diligent workhorse (just like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton!), the other criticizing a conservative Republican as controversial and out of the mainstream. On Saturday's front page she fawned over liberal, former comedian…

NewsBusted: Is the Bong the Dems' Only Hope at the Ballot Box in

April 12th, 2014 12:27 AM
"George Soros is spending $80 million dollars to legalize marijuana across America. He's hoping that if he can get enough stoned voters, the Democrats might actually have a chance in November." Common Core, ObamaCare, and Starbucks also came in for mockery in the latest episode of NewsBusted, starring Jodi Miller. Watch the April 11 episode below the page break, and be sure to sign up for…

Mika: Gender Pay Gap 'Far Worse' Than

April 10th, 2014 8:40 AM
Democrats have clung to the claim that women earn 77% of what men do with religious fervor, as evidenced by the "religious revival, Praise Jesus" atmosphere at President Obama's equal pay event at the White House earlier this week. But although the 77% figure has been thoroughly debunked, on today's Morning Joe Mika Brzezinski alleged that the real gap is actually "far worse." Mika made her…