2012 Democratic Convention

Springsteen Guitarist Steven Van Zandt Calls Obama a 'Eunuch
September 10th, 2012 9:53 AM
Steven Van Zandt, the man you likely know as one of the guitarists in Bruce Springsteen's band or Tony Soprano's consigliere Silvio, is very disappointed with Barack Obama.
In a lengthy piece published at the Huffington Post Saturday evening, Little Steven went so far as calling the President a "eunuch."
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. Column: The Democrats in Convention Assembled
September 9th, 2012 11:24 PM
Originally syndicated September 6 | At this Democratic National Convention, I am going to be particularly interested in the crowds on the floor. Who cares about what Bill Clinton says? He does not mean it anyway. In the 1990s, he governed like a Republican after saying that "the age of Big Government is over." Incidentally, he governed pretty well. He would have made a good moderate Republican…

Cokie Roberts: 'This Democratic Convention Was Really Over the Top in
September 9th, 2012 2:05 PM
"I think this Democratic Convention was really over the top in terms of abortion. Every single speaker talked about abortion. And you know at some point you start to alienate people."
So astonishingly said ABC's Cokie Roberts on Sunday's This Week (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Flashback: Dukakis Led Bush By 17 Points After 1988 DNC
September 9th, 2012 1:23 PM
The media are gushing and fawning over new poll numbers showing Barack Obama getting a bounce from the just ended Democratic National Convention putting him four points ahead of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
Before they get too cocky, they might want to recall that after his convention ended in 1988, Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis led George H.W. Bush by…

Newt Gingrich: 'Bounce Obama’s Getting Coming Out of the Convention
September 9th, 2012 10:14 AM
"The bounce Obama’s getting coming out of the convention is 80 percent Bill Clinton."
So said former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrch on CNN's State of the Union Sunday.

Pinkerton’s Amusing Take on How Media Would Have Reacted If GOP Had
September 9th, 2012 12:11 AM
How would the media – which barely noticed the platform dispute at the Democratic convention in which the chair clearly didn’t get the required two-thirds majority from the floor to revise embarrassing platform gaps by adding a reference to God and identifying Jerusalem as the capital of Israel – react if such an incident occurred at the Republican convention?
On FNC’s Fox NewsWatch, Jim…

Tea Party Congressman Tells Free Contraception Advocate Sandra Fluke
September 8th, 2012 4:34 PM
Illinois Republican Congressman Joe Walsh had some harsh words for free contraception advocate Sandra Fluke Saturday.
Appearing at a campaign stop in Addison, Illinois, the Tea Partier said, "A 31-32 year old law student who’s been a student for life, who gets up there in front of a national audience and tells the American people, 'I want America to pay for my contraceptives.' You’re kidding…

Politico's Roger Simon: 'Clinton Had a Very Important and Elevated Vie
September 8th, 2012 1:48 PM
"Bill Clinton, whatever you want to say about how he conducted himself, had a very important and elevated view of the Office of the Presidency."
So amazingly said Politico's Roger Simon on PBS's Inside Washington Friday (video follows with transcribed highlights).

Charles Krauthammer Mocks WaPo's Colby King: 'Kool-Aid, Isn’t That Y
September 8th, 2012 1:11 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer gave some well-deserved ribbing to the Washington Post's Colby King on PBS's Inside Washington Friday.
"You do live in a completely different world," Krauthammer told King when he disagreed with his views about the just-ended Democratic National Convention. "And you drink, what is it, the Kool-Aid? Isn’t that your favorite drink?" (video follows with…

WashPost's King Claims to See 'Visceral Hatred' from GOP, Obama Has to
September 7th, 2012 11:09 PM
Appearing as regular panel member on Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, as he recounted former President Bill Clinton's speech at the Democratic National Convention, liberal Washington Post columnist Colby King claimed that "the amount of hate that the Republicans have for Barack Obama is just astounding," calling it "raw, visceral hate."
A bit later, after right-leaning panel member Charles…

Ron Reagan Disses His Mother: Michelle Obama Gave 'Best Speech By a Fi
September 7th, 2012 6:19 PM
Just how in the tank for President Obama is MSNBC contributor Ronald Reagan?
On Friday's Hardball, he actually said Michelle Obama gave the "best speech by a first lady I have ever seen, and, you know, all due respect to my own mother" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Networks Ignore DNC Benediction: Archbishop Dolan Defends Right to Lif
September 7th, 2012 3:22 PM
After offending religious Americans by appearing to boo God, the Democratic National Convention had the top ranking Catholic official in the country perform the closing Benediction Thursday night. Cardinal Timothy Dolan did the same for the Republicans last week in Tampa Bay, but those delegates didn’t seem to have a problem with a party platform that included God and Jerusalem.
The only…

With Cash And Coverage, Comcast/MSNBC Dive To Bottom Of Dem Tank
September 7th, 2012 1:11 PM
How deep are MSNBC and its parent company Comcast in the tank for the Democrats? So deep that even the New York Times [!] has headlined an article "Welcome to the MSNBC, Er, Democratic Convention." [H/t Mediaite]
The article details how MSNBC personalities were treated like rock stars by adoring Dems. Even more telling is this: "Four years ago, there was open anxiety inside MSNBC over…

NBC's Scarborough: DNC Convention Creamed RNC Like Muhammad Ali
September 7th, 2012 12:38 PM
Comparing the RNC and DNC conventions on Friday's NBC Today, MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough declared a knockout for Democrats: "...if we're going pound for pound, round for round, this wasn't Ali versus Frasier, this was Muhammed Ali versus Chuck Wepner...It was ugly..." The liberal crowd assembled around Scarborough at a bar in Charlotte all cheered and applauded the statement. [Listen…