More and more, major news outlets are relying on “fact checkers” to, allegedly, ensure that the news is factual, sources are reliable, and statements are accurate.

In theory, this is admirable. In practice, it has proven to be simply another opportunity for the media to push their leftist agenda.

Fact checking groups — such as PolitiFact — routinely cast judgments while failing to disclose their own left-wing bias. Their allies in the media try to cast these groups as neutral third parties when, in fact, they are card-carrying members of the liberal echo chamber.

It’s no wonder that the public has so little faith in the fact-checkers. A 2016 Rasmussen poll found that an astonishing 62% of American voters think the fact-check-ers are biased.

The Media Research Center is flipping the script on these faux-fact-checkers. It’s time to turn the tables and give the public the real facts.

WashPost Fact Checkers Pick Entirely on GOP in Mueller-Hearing Check

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted

The Washington Post Fact Checker team promises "We will strive to be dispassionate and non-partisan, drawing attention to inaccurate statements on both left and right. But we also fact check what matters -- and what matters are people in power." Eyeroll, please! On Thursday, Glenn Kessler and Salvador Rizzo posted an article titled "Fact-checking lawmakers’ claims during the Mueller hearings…

Tim Graham
July 25th, 2019 10:15 PM

PolitiFact: AOC Wasn't 'Crying Over a Parking Lot,' It Was a Road!

Half Baked Half Baked
PolitiFact underlined its hypersensitivity to attacks on liberals on Monday by declaring a "Viral Image" of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be "FALSE." They protested PJ Media writer Jim Treacher having fun with staged photos under the headline "AOC Weeps Over Empty Parking Lot." She was weeping for immigrants, not parking! PolitiFact ruled the humor was "FALSE."
Tim Graham
July 23rd, 2019 7:57 AM

Snopes Attacks Conservative Sites on Frederica Wilson's Censor Bender

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
The "fact checkers" at are running to the defense of liberal Democrats again in a July 10 post on Rep. Frederica Wilson in an article headlined "Did Rep. Frederica Wilson Advocate Prosecuting People Who ‘Make Fun’ of Congress?" The answer is yes. But David Mikkelsen at Snopes insisted "context is key," that conservative media outlets like the Washington Times and the Daily Wire skipped…
Tim Graham
July 11th, 2019 8:24 AM

WashPost Tags Delaney as 'Four Pinocchios' Liar, Bernie Sanders Spared

Half Baked Half Baked
The Washington Post “Fact Checker” squad threw a “Four Pinocchios” flag at a he probably said something liberals don't like. In fact, back-bench presidential candidate John Delaney hyperbolically stated in the first presidential debate that if a “Medicare For All” single-payer health-care system were installed and hospitals were paid at current Medicare rates, “to some extent, we’…
Tim Graham
July 5th, 2019 1:59 PM

'Mostly False'? PolitiFact Goes Soft on Obama's Pants-on-Fire Gun Rant

Half Baked Half Baked
PolitiFact has gone many months in between making judgments on Barack Obama comments. It must have made their liberal bones ache to give him a "Mostly False" for shamelssly un-factual comments he made about America in Brazil, like this: "Anybody can buy any weapon, any time without much, if any, regulation. They buy it over the internet. They can buy machine guns."
Tim Graham
June 7th, 2019 3:59 AM

PolitiFact: Trump 'Mostly False' Saying Biden 'Deserted' Pennsylvania

Half Baked Half Baked
The liberals at PolitiFact are so touchy about President Trump mocking Democrats that they slap a "Mostly False" on things that just make them angry. Take this statement: "Don't forget Biden deserted you. He's not from Pennsylvania. I guess he was born here, but he left you, folks." PolitiFact admits Biden hasn't lived in Scranton since 1953...that's 66 years ago. But it's "false" because you can…
Tim Graham
May 23rd, 2019 3:55 PM

'Fact Checkers' Skip Rashida Tlaib's Fact-Mangling of Israel History

Fully Fake Fully Fake
On Monday, CNN's John King provided a fact-check of Rep. Rashida Tlaib's fact-mangling comments about Palestinians and the "safe haven" they allegedly gave Jews after the Holocaust. Guess who didn't provide a fact check? The "independent fact checkers." Just as they all stayed conveniently quiet on Stacey Abrams bizarrely claiming she won the governor's race in Georgia, there were no Tlaib fact…
Tim Graham
May 18th, 2019 10:25 AM

AP 'Fact Check': Trump 'Maliciously False' on After-Birth Abortions

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
The "fact checkers" at Associated Press were the latest to fulminate against President Trump mocking Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam about executing babies born alive after an abortion attempt. The tweet was mockable: "The reality behind President Trump's false accusation that abortion doctors execute babies." Apparently, abortion doctors just kill....germs? Cellular clumps? 
Tim Graham
May 14th, 2019 1:34 PM Rushes to Defend Ilhan Omar AND Whack Babylon Bee Again

Half Baked Half Baked doubled down on two of their regular themes on Thursday: defending Rep. Ilhan Omar and attacking the Christian satire site The Babylon Bee. Snopes insisted no one would be able to figure out Omar didn't say "If Israel is so innocent, they why do they inisist on being Jews?"
Tim Graham
May 12th, 2019 6:59 AM

Snopes Check on Biden Skips Over His Mangling of Kent State Body Count

Half Baked Half Baked
Sometimes, the fact checkers pick the wrong fact to check. See on Joe Biden. Their latest Biden article explored whether Biden actually said he had "no empathy" for the young generations. Snopes was aiming low by fact-checking a tweet by a left-winger's account that had 958 followers. "IbrahimAS97" described himself as "a person within whom a profound hatred of centrist democrats…
Tim Graham
May 8th, 2019 10:15 PM

Selective! PolitiFact Rules Trump's 'Pants on Fire' for Saying 'Coup'

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
Can you say "coup" nowadays? It was fun to recall this week that liberal TV news stars like Dan Rather described the impeachment trial of President Clinton that "this is in fact a kind of effort at a quote, ‘coup’?" Some liberals like Whoopi Goldberg on The View are using it right now for Bill Barr: "When the top law man in the country can't give you a straight answer, it makes me uncomfortable.…
Tim Graham
May 3rd, 2019 3:30 PM

'Fact Checkers' Ignore Stacey Abrams Proclaiming 'I Won' When She Lost

Fully Fake Fully Fake
Stacey Abrams is currently doing a wonderful job illustrating how the "independent fact checkers" of the liberal media can look at a Democrat stating an obvious non-fact and say nothing. Abrams says "I won" the Georgia governor's race when she lost by 55,000 votes. 
Tim Graham
May 2nd, 2019 1:46 PM

WashPost Hides the 'Pinocchios' Again -- for Buttigieg Taking On Pence

Half Baked Half Baked

The Washington Post "Fact Checker" squad has one article featured every Sunday in the A-section. On Easter Sunday, Glenn Kessler established that Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg should not claim Vice President Mike Pence spoke in favor of "conversion therapy" to press homosexuals to drop their same-sex attraction. "We can find no evidence that Pence ever expressed support for…

Tim Graham
April 22nd, 2019 7:24 AM

For Love or Clicks? Snopes Leaps to Correct Silly Ocasio-Cortez Items

Half Baked Half Baked claims to be a fact-checking website, but its recent rash of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defense items suggests it's a liberal clickbait site. There's five items just in the first 15 days of April. None of them evaluate if AOC mangled facts. They're all on defense. 
Tim Graham
April 17th, 2019 11:50 AM