

WATCH: Former Home Depot CEO Condemns Biden’s ‘War on Fossil Fuel’

Tom Olohan

CNBC’s Kernen Warns of ‘Stagflation’ in Biden’s America

Tom Olohan

WATCH: Biden’s Demonstrably False Claim in Softball Yahoo! Interview

Tom Olohan

MRC’s Bozell Warns of Soros-Funded ‘Fascistic’ Plot Amid 2024 Election

Luis Cornelio

Soros Gave $80M to Groups Calling for Censorship Before 2024 Elections

Joseph Vazquez

Michael Knowles Mauls Biden’s Ridiculous Defense of Bidenomics on CNN

Tom Olohan

Heritage Economist Bashes Target Pride Announcement on Newsmax

Tom Olohan

Can’t Make This Up: WashPost Cites Debunked Study to Push DEI

Tom Olohan

This Is Really Bad: Soros Comrade Openly Rebukes Bidenomics

Tom Olohan

What Crisis? Krugman Suggests Immigration ‘Secret’ to US ‘Success’

Somehow, New York Times economics propagandist Paul Krugman managed to one-up himself on his really bonkers Bidenomics hot takes.

Joseph Vazquez

Google AI Covers Up Ugly Effects of Bidenomics on Americans’ Savings

Google’s no-whites-allowed artificial intelligence chatbot went to great lengths to cover for President Biden’s mismanagement of the U.S. economy. 

Joseph Vazquez

WATCH: Lawmakers Condemn Biden’s ‘Unrealistic’ EV Mandate

Elected officials across the country have condemned President Joe Biden’s EPA for massively overstepping its mandate by forcing electric vehicles (EVs) on the American public.

Tom Olohan

Bongino CALLS OUT Major ESG Entity Exploiting Americans

Syndicated radio host Dan Bongino called out a major financial advisory group for promoting Environmental, Social and Governance-related (ESG) investing after the group was confronted about it on national television. 

Tom Olohan

GASP: Snopes Fact-Checks Biden Admin’s ‘15 Million’ Jobs Added Claim

It was always asinine for President Joe Biden’s administration to claim that they “nearly” added 15 million jobs since the pandemic, and it apparently stank so much that even leftist fact-checker Snopes didn’t let it pass the smell test.

Joseph Vazquez

Stephen A. Smith to Democrats: 'Trump Is Handing it to Y'all'

ESPN First Take host Stephen A. Smith lit up the legacy media like they were a Skip Bayless hot take for blatantly distorting former President Donald Trump’s “bloodbath” comment. 

Tom Olohan

WATCH: Shark Tank’s O’Leary Praises Business Climate in Red States

Where is the American Dream still alive despite President Joe Biden’s decrepit economy? According to Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary, aka “Mr. Wonderful,” those seeking opportunity should look to several dynamic red states. 

Tom Olohan

Soros-Funded Brennan Center Perverts Namesake’s Free Speech Position

Imagine a radical law organization financed by George Soros lurching so far to the left on the free speech issue that it ends up bastardizing the very philosophy of the liberal U.S. Supreme Court associate justice it's named after. Enter the Brennan Center for Justice.

Joseph Vazquez

Okay, Rich Guy: Maher Tells Struggling Americans ‘Cheer the F*** Up’

Liberal milquetoast HBO comedian Bill Maher became the latest leftist media talking head to attempt slapping around Americans for not being more cheery in the nightmare world of Bidenomics. 

Tom Olohan
No Shame: Nets Ignore Inconvenient Truth on Job Numbers Revision

No Shame: Nets Ignore Inconvenient Truth on Job Numbers Revision

The Big Three networks (NBC, CBS, and ABC) concealed the Bureau of Labor Statistics' downward revision of the January jobs numbers, which initially reported an inflated economy under President Biden's administration. The revised report decreased nonfarm jobs created in January by over 35%, yet the networks failed to address these revisions, seemingly trying to preserve their narrative. 

Nicholas Schau

SHAMELESS: US Hungary Ambassador Denounces Orban at Soros University

U.S. Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman attacked the Hungarian government during a contentious speech at a Soros-funded university, just as the State Department prepares another deluge of dollars for anti-government media in Hungary. 

Tom Olohan

State Street Urged to Prioritize Clients' Interests over ESG Agenda

Financial officials from 16 states are calling on State Street Global Advisors, one of the largest asset management firms, to stop deceptively pushing on shareholders only proposals that advance the ideological Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) agenda, at the expense of their clients’ best financial interests.

Craig Bannister

Janet Yellen to Fox Biz: 'I Regret Calling’ Inflation ‘Transitory'

President Joe Biden’s treasury secretary just admitted that her notorious “transitory inflation” gaslighting was wildly out of touch with reality.

Tom Olohan

No Social Scoring! EU Lawmaker Condemns China’s Weaponization of AI

A Romanian Member of the European Parliament (MEP) warned against the use of artificial intelligence to create social credit scores Tuesday, promising that the European Union would ban this dystopian horror. 

Tom Olohan