Ever since Piers Morgan's weeknight television program on the Cable News Network was canceled in February and left the air in late March, the future of the gun-hating, staunchly liberal host has been in limbo. That changed on Tuesday, when the British anchor tweeted that “I am no longer a CNN employee.”
In a series of posts, Morgan stated that he “was offered a new two-year deal by CNN boss Jeff Zucker to host 40 big interview 'specials'” but “decided not to accept it -- and to try pastures new.” Of course, the liberal anchor couldn't resist taking one more potshot at the National Rifle Association, stating: “I'm not done with you lot.”
In a demonstration of just how large his ego is, Morgan began his first tweet with the words “BREAKING NEWS” in capital letters.The 49-year-old liberal then described the deal Zucker offered but, “after considerable thought,” turned it down.
“I had a fantastic time in my four years at CNN and have huge respect for Jeff & all the people who work there,” Morgan noted. “Great company, great network.”
However, he stated: “I wouldn't crack the champagne open too quickly though, NRA. I haven't finished with you lot yet.”
In a bizarre twist, the host -- who interviewed many actors, comedians, politicians and other celebrities during his years as Larry King's replacement -- stated: “If I'm to be remembered for anything @CNN -- I'd like it to be” his heated debate with talk radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
When news of Morgan's departure spread out across the Internet, the response to this “breaking news” was … underwhelming.
One of the first comments came from @Slublog, who felt the situation was “awkward. Most people don't advertise their impotence.”
The staff at Twitchy.com replied: “Yeah, well, Piers Morgan isn’t most people.”
Many bloggers stated that the liberal host has lost his impact on the American television audience.
@jonnywfc bluntly stated that “no one cares,” and @DarylT said: “Go home, Piers; you're drunk.”
Nevertheless, most of the reaction came from defenders of the NRA and the Second Amendment right to bear arms.
@garyalan82 charged that his threat rang hollow, “like he isn't finished with CNN either?”
“You haven't accomplished anything,” @brianayusko asserted. “And you won't succeed in changing America's view on the Second Amendment.”
@BobHicks responded: “Your track record thus far says otherwise.” “You can't even keep a job,” @th3v0t4ry stated. “How scary can you be to the NRA?”
“They're shaking in their boots,” @DavidSidney posted sarcastically, a tone echoed by @TheRealBepo, who stated: “We're all really scared.”
@RobProvince challenged Morgan to “[B]ring it,” while @charlescwcooke asked: “You want to create a million more members?”
However, the liberal anchor did receive some support. @RunnerLuis referred to the NRA while encouraging Morgan to “please finish them off. Those gun nuts have way too much sway with the [government].”
Ever since Morgan's arrival at CNN in 2011, NewsBusters has covered his anti-gun agenda and other events that led to his dramatic loss of ratings.
The British editor and liberal barely got his seat warm before he praised President Barack Obama for improving America's image abroad. Then in December of 2013, Morgan admitted that his crusade for gun control was being carried out even though America is “not my country” and its founding document “not my constitution.”
A month later, the CNN anchor blasted the “absurdity of the Second Amendment” and called for laws that would make it illegal for anyone under 25 to buy a gun.
The program's death spiral in ratings was blamed by Variety magazine on the host's obsession with guns, and to make matters worse, comedian Chelsea Handler mocked Morgan as “a terrible interviewer.”
Not surprisingly, the host used his final program to call for all Americans to have their guns taken away.
Soon after, Larry King stated that CNN should have hired American Idol host Ryan Seacrest instead of making the mistake of putting an irrelevant “Britisher in prime time.” Morgan snarled back that the longtime interviewer was “a constant poisonous twerp” toward him.
I doubt we've seen the last of Piers Morgan and his anti-gun crusade. Sooner or later, someone willing to overlook the liberal's track record and poor ratings will give him another shot at the spotlight, and those of us who are willing to follow him will be treated to yet another round of liberal calls for gun control from someone who admits this isn't his country.