NewsBusters Podcast: Sorry, 'There Aren't Media Lies' Is a Media Lie

August 12th, 2024 10:52 PM

One demonstration of the media's shameless refusal to accept that they're not always factually correct came Sunday on CNN's State of the Union show. Sen. J.D. Vance told Dana Bash that one reason he opposed Donald Trump in 2016 is because he accepted the media lies, and Bash replied "There aren't media lies. We play him, and we let him speak for himself." 

Senior research analyst Bill D'Agostino joined the show to discuss how many examples we could muster. Vance didn't go into a litany of recent media lies, starting with the crucial 2020 lie that Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian disinformation plot. The Democrats who were claiming that did not have access to the computer. It didn't matter to the pro-Biden press.

Like CNN, CBS and ABC threw hardballs at Vance on Sunday, while the Democrat ticket of Harris and Walz continued to avoid all interviews with the media. Worse yet, on CBS's Sunday Morning, Robert Costa's interview with President Biden sounded like a co-production with the White House. He didn't ask many questions. It was more prompts like "Tell me the story." 

CBS and ABC both had the same hardball for Vance about Trump dining with white supremacist Nick Fuentes. Like that doesn’t look like both of them got an email from Harris HQ? Or a Democrat strategist like James Carville? 

We also discuss Bill's quick Monday compilation from just a few hours of television. The amount of repetitive boosterism about Kamala's wave of "momentum" was a bit shocking, underlining that reporters are more often just repeaters. The liberal media seem giddy that they forced Biden out, so maybe the younger vice president can keep Trump from returning to the White House. 

Enjoy the podcast conversation below, or wherever you listen to podcasts.