NewsBusters Podcast: Sunday Shows Already Cracking Up Over Trump Indictment

June 19th, 2023 10:15 PM

While the networks are piling up hundreds of minutes talking about the Trump indictment, they don't seem happy with how it's going. On Sunday's This Week, ABC host Jonathan Karl couldn't even spit out poll results showing Donald Trump's favorability went up among Republicans after special counsel Jack Smith released his charges. 

On Meet the Press, NBC's Chuck Todd wouldn't let former vice president and presidential contender Mike Pence finish a sentence on our "two-tier justice system." Republicans are not allowed to say that Robert Mueller & Co. wasted two and half years (and a lot of media hype) to attempt to prove the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government.

Todd had to interrupt and insist that the Trump Justice Department was staffed by Republicans -- but Mueller's team was a stacked deck of Democrats.

To mark Father's Day, the CBS show Sunday Morning aired a big story on gender-dysphoric children and how their struggling parents are facing hostile Republicans in state legislatures. At least CBS interviewed a conservative, even if it was a stark contrast with the emotional pitch of the parents and children. NPR marked the occasion by celebrating a "pregnant dad" with two daughters. "He got pregnant"? That's misinformation.

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