On Friday, Daniel Halper of The Weekly Standard reported on a video of a potential Democratic opponent of New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, the Latino Republican star the networks aerobically ignore (for example, her 2012 Republican convention speech).
Candidate Alan Webber, the Democrat with the largest campaign treasury, told supporters "So I’m asking you for your help, we need to make Susana Martinez a one-term governor. We need to send her back to wherever she really came from," he said. "I suspect it’s Texas. And that would be good for Texas and that would be good for New Mexico." Surprise, the networks have never heard of this, although everyone knows instantly how this would be greeted if Webber were a Tea Party Republican and Martinez was a Democrat. (video below)
In that case, it would be a media dream come true: once again, the Tea Party provides a radical ideologue with a foot-in-mouth problem and a hostility to minorities.
Halper added that Webber can be described as ideological: "Webber has a history of radical views, including ties to the Weather Underground and urging empathy for a child sex offender," Liz Harrington of the Washington Free Beacon previously reported.
There was no coverage on ABC, CBS, CNN, or NBC. There was no mention in The New York Times or The Washington. On Sunday, Post columnist Dana Milbank mentioned Martinez...as a Republican who abandoned opposition to gay marriage.
Even the Associated Press, the supposed transmission belt of local news to national news, couldn’t locate this gaffe with two hands and a smart phone. Correspondent Barry Massey filed a Saturday story headlined "Democrats avoid infighting in governor's race":
SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) - With Election Day drawing near, the five Democrats running for governor need more voters like Cynthia Feiden-Warsh and Amy Lafferty of Santa Fe, who ducked into the county courthouse during a lunch hour to cast their early ballots.
Light voter turnout is expected in Tuesday's primary election, and the big question in political circles is whether that's a sign that New Mexico Democrats aren't very optimistic about their chances of toppling Republican Gov. Susana Martinez in the November general election.Martinez is unopposed in the primary, and the most recent poll by the Albuquerque Journal indicated that Attorney General Gary King was slightly ahead in the Democratic contest with more than a fourth of likely voters undecided going into the final stretch of the campaign.
Feiden-Warsh said Friday she backed Santa Fe businessman Allen [sic] Webber in the governor's race because "he has a real opportunity to beat Martinez."
...Lafferty declined to reveal who she voted for in the governor's race, but said she's ready to support whoever wins the party's nomination.
"My main interest is to get Martinez out of here. When I first moved here I thought it was a good thing there was a woman governor. She's horrible. She has these ads about how pro-education she is. I am a teacher. She is not pro-education," said Lafferty, who teaches English as a second language in an adult basic education program.
Gov. Martinez has a major financial advantage in this race, so it can be easily guessed that the national media wasn't told by the national Democrats to focus on this race at all.