Bias by the Numbers: Sharpton Calls Romney 'Willard' 194 Times In the Last Month on MSNBC

May 21st, 2012 4:50 PM

As much as Obama supporters like the Rev. Al Sharpton take exception to the haters who use the president's full name -- "Barack Hussein Obama," most recently disdained in the Ricketts super PAC memo revealed by the New York Times -- what about liberals who make fun of the name "Willard Mitt Romney"?

No one is fonder of that playground ridicule that Rev. Sharpton, who loves referring to Romney as "Willard" on his MSNBC talk show "Politics Nation." In fact, an MRC analysis of the last 25 Sharpton shows -- from April 16 through May 18 -- found Sharpton tossed the name "Willard" 194 times, or almost eight times a show. Friday's program contained 16 "Willards."

Here's one Willard-heavy passage:

SHARPTON: Up next, big banks going for Willard in a big way. Yes. The same Willard that wants to cut bank regulation. What a coincidence....
It’s no surprise that Willard Mitt Romney likes big business. After all, he thinks corporations are people. And the big banks are making it very clear they like Willard back. Romney`s top six donor groups are people and political action committees affiliated with big banks. Of course President Obama is getting money from wall street too, but Willard really got their guy. In fact, the securities and investment industry has given $20 million to the pro-Romney super PAC. That`s 100 times more than they have given to the super PACs supporting President Obama.

So, what’s so appealing about Willard? Well, he sure wasn`t worried when JPMorgan lost $2 billion on risky trades.... [Romney clip]

Yes, $2 billion. Who wouldn`t even notice that? And it`s definitely not a reason to strengthen regulations over wall street, right Willard? [Romney clip] .... Willard wants to repeal Dodd-Frank financial reform.

Another example of mock-Willard-mania came on May 10:

SHARPTON: Yep, there was a man who saved Detroit. Of course, the guy who says that should be credited for saving Detroit. We owe it all to Willard. In fact, did you know that many great American moments are thanks to him, like the very first moon landing of Apollo 11 mission in 1969. That wasn`t just one small step for Neil Armstrong. It was one giant leap for Mitt Romney. Isn’t that right, Willard?

ROMNEY: I'll take a lot of credit.

SHARPTON: Good work there, Gov. And how can you forget the miracle on the Hudson when Chesley Sullenberger safely landed a plane in the Hudson River saving the lives of 150 passengers? Well, move-over Sully, it turns out it was actually Captain Willard piloting that plane.

Meanwhile, in Hollywood, the avengers broke all kinds of box office records, grossing a whopping $200 million in the opening weekend and, get this, Willard directed it. Yep, he gets that credit. And remember that big stink about Al Gore in vetting the internet? Well, he can’t take credit anymore. Twitter, Facebook, Google, funny videos for kittens, all of that stuff that makes it harder to concentrate at work is all because of Willard Romney. That’s a lot of credit for one guy. But don't worry, Willard, I’m giving you credit. I tell everyone Republican I know what a great job you did with Romney-care.

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Perhaps Sharpton is a fan of the 1971 horror movie "Willard"? If a conservative TV or radio host always called Sharpton "Alfred Charles Sharpton, Junior" he could probably sound like a preppie, too.