This is getting extraordinarily old, and I vow that this will be the last time I respond to the hacks at the Huffington Post, at least on this issue, but I must again back-hand the disingenuous and highly tenuous Seth Colter Walls.
The estimable Matthew Vadum at the Capital Research Center has again provided answers to the new questions Walls posed by Walls. These are just as devastating to the HuffPo's lame defense of Illinois Senator Barack Obama as Vadum's last round of responses was to their first round of queries, in fact even more so.
As to Walls addressing us. While usually pretending to be a journalist or a Sen. Obama campaign PR flak, he on Sunday took time out to play-act as a non-profit attorney. He proved himself to be just as untalented and unqualified in this capacity.
Walls properly but generically defines A type of non-profit classification of which we are one. He fails miserably in defining OUR non-profit. In short, he again has no idea about which he is speaking.
We will not be seeking his legal counsel at any point in the future.
To Mr. Walls and the Huffington Post, on this point of disorder, I now say "Good night and good luck." (If Keith Olbermann can lift it, so can I.)