Thanks to a hero tipster, two men with hundreds of rounds of ammunition and assault rifles were stopped from carrying out their slaughter on the Fourth of July. Yet ABC and CBS on Wednesday and Thursday buried one very important fact: They are in America illegally.
Julio Alvarado-Dubon and Rolman Balacarcel are Guatemalans who planned to murder people at the Dogwood Dell Amphitheater in Richmond, Virginia. On Thursday’s Good Morning America, reporter Pierre Thomas noted:
Authorities say the alleged plot was stopped by a concerned citizen who overheard a suspicious conversation and called police. These two men were allegedly caught with a high-powered assault rifle, a handgun and more than 200 rounds of ammunition.
During the 53-second story, no mention of their illegal status. Thomas simply added, “No word on motive.” On Wednesday’s CBS Evening News, guest anchor Jericka Duncan allowed 24 seconds on the story:
Tonight, authorities in Richmond, Virginia say it was a tip that helped them stop another planned Fourth of July mass shooting. Police said a, quote, “hero citizen” made a phone call after hearing a conversation about a planned attack that day. Police Chief Gerald Smith says two suspects are in custody and two assault rifles, one handgun and 223 rounds of ammunition were seized.
Again, she ignored the fact that the two men are illegals. There was a blink-and-you-miss-it, non-verbal notation. During the show open, Duncan teased the story: “A tragedy averted. Police in Richmond, Virginia, praise a hero citizen who called in a tip that saved lives.” In the background, you can briefly see a photo from the Richmond police press conference on the arrests. Next to a picture of one of the men are the words: “Charges: Non-U.S. citizen in possession of a firearm.”
On Wednesday, CNN’s Alisyn Camerota mentioned the two suspects, but not that they were illegal. You’d have to go to to find this mention: “Both suspects have been charged with being non-citizens in possession of a firearm.” The Richmond Times-Dispatch explained:
Police spokesperson Tracy Walker said both men are from Guatemala. Initial documents filed in General District Court in Richmond say both Alvarado-Dubon and Balacarcel are not in the U.S. legally.
NBC, thus far, has ignored the thwarted Richmond shooting. That, by itself, is worthy of shame. This story deserves attention.
I have written numerous NewsBusters studies showcasing how the network evening newscasts ignore the crisis at the border and the problem of illegal immigration. A heroic tipster saved uncountable lives from being lost in Richmond this week. And the people who would have been responsible were here illegally. The networks don’t want you to know that.
The cover-up on this key point was sponsored on ABC by Liberty Mutual. On CBS, it was Dell computers. Click on the links to let them know what you think.
Brief transcripts are below. Click “expand” to read more.
CBS Evening News
JERICKA DUNCAN: A tragedy averted. Police in Richmond, Virginia, praise a hero citizen who called in a tip that saved lives. [On-screen photo from Richmond PD of thwarted shooter: “Non-U.S. citizen in possession of a firearm.”]
6:38 PM ET
24 secondsDUNCAN: Tonight, authorities in Richmond, Virginia say it was a tip that helped them stop another planned Fourth of July mass shooting. Police said a, quote, “hero citizen” made a phone call after hearing a conversation about a planned attack that day. Police Chief Gerald Smith says two suspects are in custody and two assault rifles, one handgun and 223 rounds of ammunition were seized.
Good Morning America
7:10 AM ETTJ HOLMES: Robin, there was potentially another fourth of July mass shooting. This one apparently thwarted when a person says he heard two people talking about an attack in Richmond, Virginia, called police and police then arrested the two. Our chief justice correspondent Pierre Thomas is in Washington with more on this. Pierre, good morning.
PIERRE THOMAS: T.J., good morning. Today officials in Richmond, Virginia, are claiming they narrowly averted their own Independence Day massacre. Authorities say the alleged plot was stopped by a concerned citizen who overheard a suspicious conversation and called police. These two men were allegedly caught with a high-powered assault rifle, a handgun and more than 200 rounds of ammunition. No word on motive. But police claim they were planning a mass shooting for the city's July 4th celebration. That citizen is being hailed as a hero who saved so many lives. The citizen saw something and said something. George?
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Thank goodness for that. Okay, Pierre, thanks very much.