Chris Matthews: Bernie Sanders Is ‘Non-Ideological,’ ‘Logical’

February 9th, 2016 9:03 PM

During live coverage of the New Hampshire election returns, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Tuesday bizarrely asserted that socialist Bernie Sanders comes across as “non-ideological.” The Hardball host blurted, “Bernie is so much better in the room with 200 people than on TV. He's too effusive on TV. He’s too hot. But in the room, he's logical and non-ideological.” 

Non-ideological? Matthews repeated, “He seems like a logical guy.” The host, gushed, "Bernie meetings are fantastic." This is the same guy who, on July 1, 2015, referred to Hillary Clinton as a “conservative” Democrat. On January 6, 2016, the journalist described Clinton as a centrist who “doesn’t want to be a socialist.” 

A transcript is below: 


CHRIS MATTHEWS: I’ve been to Bernie meetings. You've been to Bernie meetings?  

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: My dad likes Bernie. 

MATTHEWS: Bernie meetings are fantastic. 


MATTHEWS: Bernie is so much better in the room with 200 people than on TV. He's too effusive on TV. He’s too hot. But in the room, he's logical and non-ideological.  He seems like a logical guy, although it all comes back to one thing, which will bite the Republicans in the bite in the butt, in the Supreme Court. Citizens United has been the energy of the left