Anne Hathaway Leaves Church to Media Cheers

February 9th, 2010 8:14 PM
Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway has come a long way since her innocent breakout role in Disney’s “The Princess Diaries.” In a recent interview with British GQ, Hathaway stated that she and her family left the Catholic Church after her older brother announced that he was gay. USA Today, New York magazine and The Huffington Post used the public break as an opportunity to scold the Church.

Hathaway supposedly considered becoming a nun in childhood, so deep was her Catholic faith. But it wasn’t deep enough to get in the way when the “whole family converted to Episcoplianism.” USA Today reported Hathaway stating, “Why should I support an organization that has a limited view of my beloved brother?”

Chris Rovzar of New York magazine, who reported about the British GQ article, first explained how Hathaway has long been a champion of gay rights, even before starring in “Brokeback Mountain.”  Rovzar then sympathized with Hathaway. He wrote that, “Having a gay family member was enough to make them, like many other families, feel unwelcome.”

USA Today criticized the Catholic Church and explained that Hathaway and, “her family left the Catholic Church over its intolerant views on homosexuality.” The Huffington Post also echoed that characterization, saying, “Anne Hathaway’s family left the Catholic Church because of its intolerance of homosexuality.”

But apparently, the Episcopalian thing didn’t work out too well for Hathaway. The Huffington Post reported her saying, “So I’m nothing … F--- it, I’m forming. I’m a work in progress.” A work in progress indeed.