Anti-Trump Media Darling Rick Wilson Humiliated as 'Grifter' By Colbert Cartoon

July 15th, 2020 10:45 AM

When Never Trumper and Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson went on Stephen Colbert's parody news show on Monday night, Tooning Out the News, it would be a reasonable assumption that he probably looked forward to the interview. After all since the interviewers would be cartoon characters, it would probably be a lot of fun. Plus, since Stephen Colbert suffers from every bit as much of Trump Derangement Syndrome as Wilson he could expect it to be a friendly interview as well.

What could go wrong? Well, everything. As you can see, by the end of interview, poor Wilson was stunned into sullen silence.

It started out fine for Wilson as a cartoon character brought up a tweet by President Trump attacking the Lincoln Project but, as you can see, after that it went quickly downhill for the poor Never Trumper.


The cartoon characters hit Wilson from the left but they sure left a mark on the stunned Wilson when one of them asked him a question using a description that Wilson used in a tweet: "Rick, when was the exact moment you realized those pathetic little whores could be tapped for money?"

Wilson actually flinched when, after the fact that the Lincoln Project spent over 89% of its money on overhead (including salaries) was brought up, one of the cartoon characters noted that "89.3% on overhead sounds like a lot but I can't get into the right head space to make a ten second ad without wolfing down endangered mollusks in a titanium catamaran with my Bush administration buddies."

By the end of the interview, a completely humiliated Wilson was hilariously stunned into embarrassed silence.