An oatmeal cookie!
An oatmeal cookie to the first reporter who gets around to asking North Carolina Congressman Bob Etheridge (D) why he refused to answer a crucial ObamaCare question during his debate last Saturday with his Republican challenger, Renee Ellmers. The fact that he refused to answer was amazing. And the fact that the Raleigh News & Observer completely neglected to report the refusal in its story about the debate is even more amazing. Here is a transcript of Etheridge refusing to answer the ObamaCare question with the video clip below the fold:
Renee Ellmers: "Congressman, you said that something will have to give, well the people of district two are going to give, and give, and give, in order to keep this massive healthcare bill in place. Am I correct to assume, and I guess this is a question, you believe the government can handle one sixth (1/6) of the economy better than the free enterprise system? That Americans, North Carolinians can't make those choices and put those things in place better than the government?"
Moderator Kim Genardo: "Rebuttal, or shall we move on?
Congressman Bob Etheridge: "Move on."
So how did the Raleigh News & Observer cover that debate highlight? By not covering it. Here is the News & Observer account by Lynn Bonner of the discussion of ObamaCare during the debate with the Etheridge refusal to answer the question notable by its absence:
The debates focused on domestic issues such as the new health care law, the federal budget, Social Security and unemployment benefits.