The media’s love affair with Hillary Clinton has gotten completely unhinged.
During a pre-taped Valentine’s Day sketch aired on NBC’s Saturday Night Live this weekend, popstar Justin Bieber took a picture of his penis and emailed it to the former Secretary of State (video follows with transcript and commentary):
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: And now, a sexy Valentine's Day message from Justin Bieber to you.JUSTIN BIEBER: Hey, girl. Guess what's coming up? It’s Valentine's, and I got a special one planned for just the two of us. Champagne, check. Roses, check.
Oh, look what we got here. Sexy dice. “Fondle butt.” Rules are rules.
Yeah, we're going to have a sexy time, just you and me, and Taco. All dressed for bedtime, bud? Taco's crazy. He said he'd be here for a night. Three months later, I'm, like, "Just get used to Taco."
Now, where were we? Like fancy chocolate? These are all eaten. Taco!
BIEBER: [Pulls out waist of his pants and what appear to be boxers, takes picture with cellphone] Check your email, Hillary Clinton. [Winks]
This Valentine’s Day, it’s gonna be you, me, passion. [Something hits his window] Is that a bird?
This Valentine's Day is gonna get sexy courtesy of this massage oil. Nope. [Unintelligible]. Well, we're going to have to make it work, right, Taco?
Well, looks like Taco's got his toilet out. Guess I better go.
Stay sexy, girl.
So the folks at SNL actually wrote a skit wherein an eighteen-year-old boy sends a picture of his penis to a 65-year-old former first lady, former Secretary of State, and possible future president.
And people wonder why our society is in such a state of decline.