Van Jones: 'A Bullet Couldn't Stop Trump, a Virus Just Stopped Biden'

July 17th, 2024 9:39 PM

The question which many Democrats had hoped would be swept under the rug following the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, has emerged: Are we sure we want President Joe Biden? Following a positive COVID test and an announcement canceling part of his campaign tour, Biden was back in the spotlight, and Van Jones, liberal political commentator for CNN, finally summed up the plight of the Democratic party.

On a CNN panel, made of both conservatives and Democrats, one attitude rang true, that people weren't happy about the Democratic ticket. This was said perfectly by Jones, the optics of Trump surviving getting shot vs. Biden being sidelined by a cold:

If you pull back and look at this thing, strength versus weakness a bullet couldn't stop Trump a virus just stopped Biden. You've got the nominees of this party getting their butts kissed. Biden's getting his butt kicked by his own party. The Democrats are coming apart. The Republicans are coming together, that's what's happening. And at some point, this party has to look at the reality of that and move.



In agreement with Jones, senior political commentator and Republican, Scott Jennings spoke on the very obvious state of the Democratic Party:

JENNINGS: Joe Biden has had the worst three weeks in presidential campaign history from the debate to today. And Donald Trump's probably had the best three weeks. These two things coinciding are freaking out–

ANDERSON COOPER: By the way it's insane that the best three weeks includes an attempted assassination 

JENNINGS: I mean it's – the way this has all come down against Joe Biden. I mean, once again, today we're going on the air tonight saying we're praying for Joe Biden. I mean, the best thing you can say about him right now, he's having good days and bad days and there's more bad days than good days. You can’t – It’s not sustainable.

It’s not sustainable, and even the Liberal media knows it.

The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:

CNN Republican National Convention 
8:13:17 PM EST


VAN JONES: Look there are a lot of people who want Biden to stay in, I want to just keep pointing out, there is still a grassroots love for Joe Biden for everybody who don’t agree but today is a terrible day. If you, if you just - - if you pull back and look at this thing, strength versus weakness a bullet couldn't stop Trump a virus just stopped Biden. You've got the nominees of this party getting their butts kissed. Biden's getting his butt kicked by his own party. The Democrats are coming apart. The Republicans are coming together, that's what's happening. And at some point, this party has to look at the reality of that and move.



08:15:01 PM EST

SCOTT JENNINGS: Joe Biden has had the worst three weeks in presidential campaign history from the debate to today. And Donald Trump's probably had the best three weeks. These two things coinciding are freaking out–

ANDERSON COOPER: By the way it's insane that the best three weeks includes an attempted assassination 

JENNINGS: I mean it's – the way this has all come down against Joe Biden. I mean, once again, today we're going on the air tonight saying we're praying for Joe Biden. I mean, the best thing you can say about him right now, he's having good days and bad days and there's more bad days than good days. You can’t – It’s not sustainable.