CNN's Kasie Hunt Warns Viewers: Scott Jennings 'Giving You Spin' on Kamala's Flaws

July 24th, 2024 10:12 AM

Kasie Hunt CNN This Morning 7-24-24When CNN This Morning host Kasie Hunt brings in a Republican and a Democrat to discuss the campaign, that would be two spins. But at the end of today's chat with Republican Scott Jennings and Democrat Brad Woodhouse, Hunt raised her arms, and told viewers:

"Scott is giving you spin. That is what they are going to say."

Hunt stepped in as referee and declared Jennings the loser. Note also Hunt calling Republicans "they." It's obvious who the suspicious "they" is in Kasie's mind!

It's not enough for the liberal media to extol Kamala Harris to the heavens. They must also devalue and dismiss any attempts by Republicans to make their case against her.  

Jennings had just said "she's always been better at getting money that votes. I mean, not a single person has ever voted for her for this. And yet, here she has it. So, good job."

That is indisputably true on the national level. Harris was such a poor candidate in the 2020 primary race that she garnered exactly zero votes, dropping out without even making it to the first primary.

Somehow, it wasn't spin for Woodhouse to gush over Kamala's new fundraising numbers and boast the Republicans can't talk about a landslide any more.

WOODHOUSE: This race has fundamentally changed. No one on your side is talking landslide anymore. It's a toss-up race, it's close. 

But we have about 300 million reasons to be pretty pleased, in terms of $150 million has come in to the super PACs supporting Harris. It was just reported this morning, $126 million have been raised by the Harris campaign since President Biden endorsed her. So you want to, you want to sneeze away almost $300,000,000 in 72 hours.

Woodhouse didn't actually praise Harris for her record or her character. His exclusive case for her was based on the cash she's raked in since Biden dropped out.

Jennings said he expects the polls to be "nip tuck" for the rest of the race, but the national polls don't matter like the swing states polls do. "My personal view is, there's a bit of irrational exuberance going on about Harris, who's never proven to be all that skillful of a politician. And so, we'll give it seven to ten days and see where we are after her record is exposed."

Here's the transcript.

CNN This Morning
6:02 am EDT

KASIE HUNT: Joining us now, Jeff Mason, White House correspondent for Reuters. Also Brad Woodhouse, Democratic strategist, former DNC spokesman, and Scott Jennings, CNN senior political commentator, former special assistant to President Bush. Welcome to all of you.

Brad and Scott. We were joking, sitting next to each other on Friday. And everything we said is now out the window, because of what's happened. What's the reality here? I mean, then Scott, I want to give this to you.

I mean, Fabrizio [Republican pollster] is saying, look, this is just a honeymoon. It's going to go away. She's going to have all this money, all this excitement, but we're going to ultimately define her and change that game.

But, you know, Trump hasn't been behind. these national polls do not matter at the end of the day. The swing-state polls matter. But they do tell us something about the state of play.

SCOTT JENNINGS: Yeah, he's a little ahead in the Marist poll that came out yesterday as well. Look, I would anticipate the polling between the two of them head-to-head is going to be nip tuck for the rest of the race.

And the reality is, a tied race for Donald Trump in the national head-to-head probably means he wins the electoral college. So they don't have to have a huge margin of lead or victory of the national popular vote. 

But there will be Democrats. I mean, it's obvious. I think the Democrats were like, if you had like this terrible itch in the center of your back and finally someone handed you a back scratcher. I think you're hearing relief from Democrats that they finally shed themselves of Joe Biden.

HUNT: I don't know that image at this time of the morning, but I understand your point. 

JENNINGS: And I think, and my personal view, my personal view is, there's a bit of irrational exuberance going on about Harris, who's never proven to be all that skillful of a politician.

And so, we'll give it seven to ten days and see where we are after her record is exposed.

BRAD WOODHOUSE: I really think you're underplaying what we've seen over the last 70, 72 hours, and how fundamentally this race has shifted. I mean, your folks were in in Milwaukee saying that this was going to be a landslide victory for Donald Trump, that you were going to expand the map. You had New Mexico would be in play, and Colorado would be in play, and Minnesota would be in play. Look, some of that might, might actually happen.

HUNT: It was true at the time!

WOODHOUSE: But there is, there is no landslide talk coming, coming from Donald Trump, coming from his campaign, or coming from the Republican party.

Look, if you want to know how freaked out the Republican party is about Kamala Harris and this change, and the fact that they didn't get to run a convention against her. All that money spent in Milwaukee last week was flushed down, flushed down the toilet. Just look at, look at Donald Trump! Look at Donald Trump. He wants to be reimbursed for the money that the Republicans spent running a race against, against Joe Biden.

This race has fundamentally changed. No one on your side is talking landslide anymore. It's a tossup rate, it's close. 

But we have about 300 million reasons to be pretty pleased, in terms of $150 million has come in to the super PACs supporting Harris. It was just reported this morning, $126 million have been raised by the Harris campaign since President Biden endorsed her. So you want to, you want to sneeze away almost $300,000,000 in 72 hours.

JENNINGS: I acknowledge it. I mean, she's always been better at getting money that votes. I mean, not a single person has ever voted for her for this. And yet, here she has it. So, good job.

WOODHOUSE: Well, we'll see. We'll see.

HUNT: Scott, Scott is giving you spin, okay. That is what they are going to say. And that, that's fine.