- So often works into show segments the fact that he used to be in Congress that he's become a running joke.
- Feels the need to hog airtime and talk over panelists.
- Frequently mocks Republican senators for their Ivy League backgrounds, while calling himself, with false humility, a "simple country lawyer" who attended state schools in the South.
And then there's Muy Macho Joe, who:
- Brags about how tough he is, claiming he'd make a Capitol tourist "eat" his camera if Joe found him taking photos somewhere he didn't like.
- Mocks men who fire AR-15s at gun ranges "to feel like real men, cause they obviously don't in real life." Unlike Real Man Joe, of course!
- Says, "I'd die" before negotiating like "snowflake" Kevin McCarthy.
- Says he'd never let someone "emasculate" him the way Donald Trump allegedly emasculated J.D. Vance at a rally. No, said Macho Joe, letting someone emasculate him is totally "foreign to me."
When it comes to being insecure, Joe: heal thyself before casting stones at Trump--to mix metaphors!
Morning Joe
6:02 am EDTMIKA BRZEZINSKI: So, we'll jump right into it. Writer E. Jean Carroll is updating her original defamation lawsuit against former President Donald Trump in response to the comments he made about her during a recent town hall event.
KAITLAN COLLINS [during CNN's Trump townhall]: You wish that you had testified?
DONALD TRUMP: No, it wouldn't have made a difference. This was a rigged deal. This was -- my lawyer said, "Sir, you don't have to do it." I said, "I think I should. It would be respectful." They said, "Sir, don't do it. This is a fake story, and you don't want to give it credibility." That's why I didn't go.
COLLINS: One thing you did do in this --
TRUMP: And I swear. And I've never done that. And I swear to you, I have no idea who the hell -- she's a whackjob.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: You know, his insecurity is just -- we've talked about this before, Willie. His insecurity is just so overwhelming. He feels the need to say, "sir, sir, sir."
SCARBOROUGH: Again, you talk about a tell, it's just the greatest tell. This is, like, the most insecure man in, in public life.
GEIST: Yeah, this, Jon [Lemire] and I were just noting, the "sir story"--that was just an excuse to tell another "sir story."
Which as you say, it's usually a tell that the thing he's about to say didn't happen. He just wants to show that someone gave him some respect.