Scarborough Exploits Holocaust Remembrance Day To Slam 'Neo-Fascist' Republicans

April 27th, 2022 12:01 PM

Joe Scarborough, keep your hands off Holocaust Remembrance Day, and stop exploiting it for your cheap political purposes.

Scarborough opened today's Morning Joe by noting that today is Holocaust Remembrance Day, then promptly moved to use it for his political ends. Scarborough twice sought to associate the Republican party with neo-fascism.

First, Scarborough claimed that "neo-fascist viewpoints [are] being employed by a segment of a political party in America," leaving no doubt that he had the GOP in mind.

A bit later, Scarborough indulged in a bit of wishful thinking, claiming that the 2022 elections won't be a referendum on Biden, Pelosi, or Schumer. Instead, he insisted that in the upcoming GOP primaries:

"Republican voters are going to have to decide where they want to go. Do they want to move back towards the views of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher? Or do they want to move in a more neo-fascist direction?"

Since Scarborough's in the mood for analogies, how about this one?

Just like Putin makes the absurd claim that his war is about "de-Nazifying" a country whose president is Jewish, Scarborough suggests that the Republican party is akin to the Nazis. This despite Scarborough's bete noire of Donald Trump having a Jewish son-in-law (and daughter who converted), and an additional 19 Jews in his presidential administration.

Note: Scarborough attempted to "back up" his smear with a new Politico poll showing Republicans are less likely than Democrats to consider allegations of anti-Semitism a "major problem." He can't imagine that Republicans would hear "allegations of hate thrown by liberal media outlets" -- like criticizing George Soros. MSNBC hired a host with a serious history of anti-Semitic remarks (ahem, Al Sharpton), so clearly it's not a "major problem" for them.

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough exploiting Holocaust Remembrance Day to slam "neo-fascist" Republicans was sponsored by USPS, Amazon, Xfinity, and Flonase.

Morning Joe
6:00 am ET

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. And it seems to me, for most of our lives, most of our adult lives, whenever there was Holocaust Remembrance day, we were looking at black-and-white photos, trying to figure out how madness spread across Germany and the rest of the continent the way it did, that would lead to such grave tragedies. How one man would be responsible for so much evil and influence so many others. These pictures are actually historic reminders, and unfortunately bring, bring warning still to us today. Unfortunately, more relevant than ever, as we see in Europe, one man's evil. Just one man! One man's evil designs on others. Bringing unspeakable horrors to an entire nation of Ukraine. Domestically, you see the firehose of falsehoods that the Russians use, the Big Lie that Hitler used to get to power. 

You see so many things being employed. You see neo-fascist, viewpoints being employed by a segment of a political party in America. 

. . . 

These 2022 elections, they're not a referendum on Joe Biden. They're not a referendum on Nancy Pelosi. They're not a referendum on Chuck Schumer. They're really a referendum on the Republican party. And we're going to see a lot primaries that, over the next several months, that are going to be a referendum of the Republican party. Where Republican voters are going to have to decide where they want to go. Do they want to move back towards the views of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher? Or do they want to move in a more neo-fascist direction, a direction that they were going that of course culminated on January 6. So on this national, on this Holocaust Remembrance Day, that's one thing I'm thinking about.