Watch Joe Scarborough Suffer a Screaming Coronavirus Breakdown

April 23rd, 2020 10:15 AM

Joe Scarborough opened today's Morning Joe by mentioning that rather than watching President Trump's press conference yesterday, he listened to the Rolling Stones to calm his nerves. 

Had Scarborough listened by chance to the Stones's "19th Nervous Breakdown?" Because poor Joe suffered a real-time, live-on-the-air, breakdown this morning, literally screaming and pounding the table as he railed against President Trump and an unnamed "network" [obviously Fox News] regarding the coronavirus.


Scarborough's meltdown reached its apogee 1:44 into the clip, as Joe literally overwhelmed the studio's sound system, screaming that the unnamed network "NEVER LEARNS!!"

Joe's wife Mika Brzezinski was obviously concerned about her husband's mental health. As they went to break, Mika solicitously asked Scarborough "do you need to go listen to the Stones, or are you okay?"

Here's the transcript.

Morning Joe
6:07 am EDT

JOE SCARBOROUGH: I cannot wrap my arms around the fact that you have networks that screwed up months ago, saying this was going to be a hoax. And then they screwed up pushing false drugs. And now they're screwing up saying this might magically go away.

And you've got a President who said, this is magically going to go away! We only have 15 people, it's down to zero. Like, Willie: when do these people learn? 

. . . 

More people dead from COVID-19 than died [bangs table] than died in the entire Vietnam tragedy.

. . . 

Because it came during flu season. That's what everybody's been warning about FOR MONTHS! I had a guy that doesn't even know about MEDICINE warning me about this two months ago. I had Zeke Emanuel saying, hey, it's going to be worse in the fall, Joe. He said that back like in February! [Pounds table] THIS IS NOT BREAKING NEWS!

. . . 

How could the President not learn from his [pounds table] mistakes? And still ignore his doctors, when every medical person will tell you the pandemic could be the WORST, the WORST during flu season?  

. . . 

Why am I getting so riled up? Because the President wasn't prepared before.

. . . 

I've got children I want to go to school in the fall! I've got Mika's grand -- Mika's mother. I want her to be able to resume a normal life in the fall! I want the White House to prepare for the fall!

. . . 

This is another tragedy. This is another disaster. Just like [screaming reaching system-breaking crescendo] the news network that NEVER LEARNS!! They NEVER LEARN! 

. . . 

50,000 Americans dead. I know it's early in the morning. I'm sorry.

. . . 

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: [in soothing, therapeutic, voice] All right, Joe, while I go to break, do you need to go listen to the Stones, or are you okay?