Ouch. Joe Scarborough on today's Morning Joe:
JOE SCARBOROUGH: You understand what I'm saying. I prefer Conan to Leno. I prefer my dog to Leno. That's just me: well, my dog's very funny.The irony is that--his personal preference for canine comedy notwithstanding--Joe went on to argue that from a business perspective, it makes sense to replace O'Brien with Leno . . .
Continued Joe: "The thing about Leno is that you can watch the show, and as a TV executive I'd say 'yeah, that guy will work in Middle America. Will work in the Central Time Zone, which Carson was smart enough to know, that's where you win these battles. Conan, whom again I prefer though, you can look at the show for two minutes and say this probably isn't going to do as well in Chicago."
The video is worth watching not only for Joe's comments but for the surprised [nervous?] laughter from panel members. Rocky days inside Rockefeller Center . . .