Matthews: Cheney 'Bath-Tub Ring' Of Bush Administration

December 21st, 2009 8:23 PM

Bear this one in mind next time you hear a liberal bemoaning that conservatives show insufficient respect for Pres. Obama and VP Biden . . .

On this evening's Hardball, Chris Matthews called Dick Cheney "the bath-tub ring of the Bush administration."

Chris' calumny came in reaction to the news that the estimable Human Events magazine has named the former VP Conservative of the Year.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Those soldiers of the right over at Human Events magazine came out today with their Conservative of the Year Award. They gave it to the bath-tub ring of the Bush administration himself, that residue of eight years that won't leave us, Dick Cheney.
To understand what might motivate Matthews to stoop so low, let's quote from John Bolton's essay at Human Events announcing the award:
How is it, therefore, that someone who has no political ambitions can cause so much angst at the White House and in the mainstream news media? The irrefutable answer is that what Cheney is saying, primarily on foreign policy, defense and anti-terrorism, makes sense to more and more American citizens growing increasingly worried by the Obama Administration’s insouciance when U.S. national interests are threatened, both at home and abroad.
Too true.