GMA: Trump Denying Bribery Will 'Go Down In History' With 'I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman'

November 18th, 2019 10:19 AM

The media are so desperate to get President Trump ousted disgracefully from office, that they are already predicting his fate in the history books. On ABC’s Good Morning America Monday, correspondent Terry Moran and anchor George Stephanopoulos promoted a new ABC poll which showed 70% of the public believed the Ukraine phone call was “wrong” but only a slight majority supported impeachment. Still, the network spun the numbers as good news for Democrats.

Moran even claimed that Trump’s denials over quid pro quo would become as infamous as Bill Clinton’s denials about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Anchor George Stephanopoulos introduced the poll that found a majority of those polled believed that President Trump’s behavior with Ukraine was “wrong.” However, just 51% of that number agreed with removing Trump from office. To Moran, Stephanopoulos wondered if the media’s wall-to-wall impeachment hearings coverage would “make a difference” in persuading more people to support impeachment:

“But one of the big questions going forward is going to be will these hearings make a difference? Will they change people's minds about impeachment right now?” he eagerly asked.

Moran then spun one of the other questions in the poll as suggesting that most Americans still had to make up their minds about impeachment, when those same numbers could easily be said to show the opposite:

“Well, our poll also shows that 21% of Americans have made up their minds after the first week of testimony. That suggests that they were already locked in or that really the testimony they've heard is enough. But that is a big percentage who still have to make up their minds,” Moran gushed. But that same poll also shows a combined 78% of people had already made up their minds about impeachment, one way or another, before the hearings began, as you can see by looking at the poll here.

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Regardless, Moran insisted the public would soon see President Trump’s denials of bribery or quid pro quo with Ukraine, as damaging and embarrassing as Bill Clinton’s, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” defense during his impeachment:

“70% say the president did something wrong. The president keeps saying the call was perfect, he did nothing wrong. Our poll suggests that may go down in history along with, ‘I did not have sex with that woman’ as a very ineffective presidential defense,” Moran gushed.

“Hallmark of another impeachment,” Stephanopoulos remarked with a smirk.