Monday on Good Morning America, ABC entertainment contributor Larry Hackett appeared to give his take on the Super Bowl's halftime show with Lady Gaga. Hackett whined that Gaga’s performance wasn’t political, admitting he was disappointed she didn’t do anything “incredibly provocative” during the show.
HACKETT: I kinda wish we were sitting here talking about something incredibly provocative, maybe even outrageous that she would’ve done, that would’ve been something that was appropriate for the moment.
While Hackett recognized that not everyone likes politics at the Super Bowl, he noted it was a missed opportunity, since “the whole world right now is political” so that shouldn’t have stopped her from seizing the moment to say or do something “outrageous:”
HACKETT: [I] know there are people that think the Super Bowl shouldn't be political, shouldn't be a venue for that. The President of the United States was speaking in the pre-game. Our entire world right now is political and she's built her career on that. I'm not saying it had to be something you know, incredibly explicit or overt but she's made her life making incredible entrances, wearing meat suits, doing things that we all raise our eyebrows about. This had a certain coolness to it that again was very entertaining but I kept waiting for something that I didn’t expect to happen that would’ve made people gasp.