Olbermann's Cheap Shot at Bush on Veteran's Day Speech

November 13th, 2007 5:18 PM

Both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney gave speeches honoring military veterans on November 11, Veterans Day. Yet rather than take a short breather from his usual rants about the Bush administration to celebrate veterans' service and sacrifice, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann chose to portray the president as a callous commander-in-chief for not laying a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day.

But a review of the principal speakers over the history of the wreath-laying and accompanying speech shows that U.S. presidents often send other dignitaries (such as the Vice President or Secretary of Defense) to perform the honor of laying the wreath and addressing the assembled audience in the adjacent amphitheater.

Here's how Olbermann's staff teased his first item for the November 12 "Countdown":

Veteran's [sic] Day: It is the most solemn and ceremonial of remembrances for our fallen dead and surviving soldiers, dating from the time of our first grim venture into international combat in World War One, the beginning of our role as, if not the policemen of the world, then rather its moral force. The ceremonial laying of the wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier at Arlington National Ceremony on Veterans' Day. And where was the President of the United States? In Waco, Texas. Our fifth story on the Countdown: the Commander in Chief who has sent our troops to their deaths on nonsense intelligence throughout a presidency of loopholes, who has described his own grief at the soldiers' suffering so much he has made a brand name out of it, who has exploited every wound as an opportunity to sell his agenda of fear and his politics of hate...He couldn't be bothered to lay the wreath on Veterans' Day. Why does George W. Bush hate the troops?

Of course, Olbermann's bloggers failed to note what Bush was doing in Waco: speaking at an American Legion post to honor fallen soldiers. Olbermann himself did note the American Legion speech in the open of his program, but scoffed that the speech as insufficiently honoring American servicemen and women.:

The president skips the laying of the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.... Didn't bother to show up. Then tried to pretend an event remembering just four servicemen in Waco, Texas, was a quote, "National Fallen Soldiers Memorial Ceremony."

Olbermann then griped that on Veterans Day, the veterans are "photo-ops" and that President Bush "doesn't even show up to the photo-op." At one point Olbermann complained that Bush could easily have flown back to Washington from his Texas ranch. [My, how quickly he's come from toeing NBC's "Green Week" line!]

The wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns typically precedes a speech by a high-ranking federal government official or VIP in the adjacent Memorial Amphitheater. Generally the principal speaker is the same person who lays the memorial wreath.

A review of the government's list of the principal speakers at Veterans Day speeches from their inception in 1954 shows that Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon did not speak at Arlington on Veterans Days occuring during the Vietnam War.

President Eisenhower, himself a former general and no troops-hater he, never spoke on Veterans Day. Only President Clinton monopolized the November 11 speeches at Arlington during his presidency during all eight years of his tenure in office.:

Veterans Day National Ceremony
Host Organizations and Principal Speakers
at Arlington National Cemetery

1954 - 2007





Host Veterans Service Organization

2008 To Be Determined     Military Chaplains Association of the USA

Richard B. Cheney

Vice President of the United States


Marine Corps League

George W. Bush

President of the United States


Military Order of the Purple Heart

Richard B. Cheney

Vice President of the United States


The American Legion

George W. Bush

President of the United States


Non Commissioned Officers Association

George W. Bush

President of the United States


Army & Navy Union

George W. Bush

President of the United States Blinded Veterans Association

Richard B. Cheney

President of the United States AMVETS
2000 William J. Clinton President of the United States Vietnam Veterans of America
1999 William J. Clinton President of the United States Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
1998 William J. Clinton President of the United States Catholic War Veterans
1997 William J. Clinton President of the United States American Ex-Prisoners of War
1996 William J. Clinton President of the United States Jewish War Veterans of the USA
1995 William J. Clinton President of the United States Polish Legion of American Veterans
1994 William J. Clinton President of the United States Disabled American Veterans
1993 William J. Clinton President of the United States Congressional Medal of Honor Society
1992 Anthony J. Principi Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs
not available
Legion of Valor
1991 George Bush President of the United States Paralyzed Veterans of America

Richard B. Cheney

Secretary of Defense
not available
Marine Corps League
1989 Gen. Colin L. Powell Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Veterans of World War I
1988 Ronald Reagan President of the United States Military Order of the Purple Heart
1987 Caspar Weinberger Secretary of Defense
not available
The American Legion
1986 Caspar Weinberger Secretary of Defense
not available
Blinded Veterans Association
1985 Ronald Reagan President of the United States AMVETS
1984 Caspar Weinberger Secretary of Defense
not available
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
1983 Harry N. Walters Administrator of Veterans Administration
not available
Disabled American Veterans
1982 Caspar Weinberger Secretary of Defense
not available
Congressional Medal of Honor Society
1981 Caspar Weinberger Secretary of Defense
not available
Legion of Valor
1980 Max Cleland Administrator of Veterans Administration Paralyzed Veterans of America
1979 Max Cleland Administrator of Veterans Administration Marine Corps League
1978 Jimmy Carter President of the United States Veterans of World War I
1977 Jimmy Carter President of the United States Military Order of the Purple Heart
1976 Donald H. Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense
not available
The American Legion
1975 Gerald R. Ford President of the United States AMVETS
1974 Gerald R. Ford President of the United States Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
1973 Donald E. Johnson Administrator of Veterans Administration
not available
Disabled American Veterans
1972 Donald E. Johnson Administrator of Veterans Administration
not available
Congressional Medal of Honor Society
1971 Spiro Agnew Vice President of the United States
not available
Legion of Valor
1970 Donald E. Johnson Administrator of Veterans Administration
not available
Marine Corps League
1969 David Packard Deputy Secretary of Defense
not available
Military Order of the Purple Heart
1968 Gen. John P. McConnell Chief of Staff, USAF
not available
The American Legion
1967 Paul H. Nitze Secretary of Defense
not available
Veterans of World War I
1966 Gen. Wallace M. Greene, Jr. Commandant, USMC
not available
1965 Hubert Humphrey Vice President of the United States
not available
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
1964 John S. Gleason, Jr. Administrator of Veterans Administration
not available
Disabled American Veterans
1963 Gen. David Shoup USMC
not available
Congressional Medal of Honor Society
1962 Robert S. McNamara Secretary of Defense
not available
United Spanish War Veterans
1961 John F. Kennedy President of the United States Legion of Valor
1960 Gen. Lemuel Shepard, Jr. USMC
not available
Marine Corps League
1959 Gen. Albert Wedermayer U.S. Army, Retired
not available
The American Legion
1958 Gen. David Sarnoff USAR
not available
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
1957 Col. Joe Foss Governor of South Dakota
not available
Disabled American Veterans
1956 James Stewart USAF Reserve
not available
1955 Herbert Hoover Former President of the United States
not available
United Spanish War Veterans
1954 H. E. Talbot Secretary of the Air Force
not available
The American Legion