CBS’s John Dickerson GASLIGHTS Viewers on Migration, Expects Them to Pretend 10M+ Border Crossings Never Happened

October 15th, 2024 1:30 AM

Towards the end of tonight’s campaign roundup on the CBS Evening News, incoming co-anchor John Dickerson gaslit viewers by suggesting that there is some decrease in border crossings relative to the Trump administration.

Watch as Dickerson blatantly gaslights his audience on migration:

JOHN DICKERSON: And Weijia Jiang joins us now from the Harris rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, a battleground section of a battleground state. Weijia, I want to ask you about the new CBS News poll. Okay, so we know the parties are ideologically opposed, but there’s also a division on basic facts. One example, the border. Migration is at its lowest level since the Trump administration. But the polls show that not everyone sees it that way, do they?

WEIJIA JIANG: That's right, John. CBS News asked voters whether the Biden/Harris administration tried to reduce the number of migrants at the southern border. So 67% of Democrats said yes, and 65% of Republicans, almost the exact same number, said the opposite: that the administration actually tried to increase the number of migrants. So that is what is happening now. 

The campaign roundup kicked off pretty standard with mentions of new horse race polling in critical Pennsylvania and soundbites from each candidate. Then, the report zeroed in on a Trump-adverse angle: his statements calling for the military to deal with “the enemy within”.

The media make this look like it’s a terrible thing but in fact there are certain individuals that require military intervention. Who can forget the 2020 riot at The White House, which forced Trump into the emergency bunker and ended with over 50 Secret Service agents severely wounded? This doesn’t come up, leaving viewers to infer that these actions will be taken against individuals.

It is towards the end of the roundup that Dickerson goes for his huge gaslight of the American People. By focusing on the data point about monthly levels of crossings, Dickerson attempts to draw viewers’ attention away from the migrant crisis, and from the fact that well over TEN MILLION MIGRANTS illegally crossed into the United States over the course of the past 3+ years. 

Perhaps Dickerson was right. There is, within the nation, a division of facts. Part of the reason for this division of facts is the Regime Media’s insistence in gaslighting the very public they are supposed to inform.

Click “expand” to view the full transcript of the aforementioned report as aired on the CBS Evening News on Monday, October 14th, 2024:

JOHN DICKERSON: Election Day is three weeks away and a new CBS poll shows a race that was effectively even is even more so. Vice President Harris leads former President Trump 51 to 48 nationally. Since last month, Trump is one point closer in the national poll, Harris leads 50-49 in battleground states. No state a greater battleground than Pennsylvania which is where we find both candidates, and our Weijia Jiang who leads our coverage from the lakeside city of Erie, Pennsylvania.

WEIJIA JIANG: Tonight, both presidential hopefuls are pitching voters in Pennsylvania, a state they are targeting relentlessly. 20 trips for former President Trump and ten for Vice President Harris since becoming the nominee.

KAMALA HARRIS: So Pennsylvania, today I ask you: are you ready to make our voices heard?

DONALD TRUMP: If we win Pennsylvania, we win the whole thing. It's over.

JIANG: The rallies today kick off an intense week of campaigning with Harris hitting Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia. And Trump going to Georgia and Florida. This week he ramped up the rhetoric against political rivals.

TRUMP: We have two enemies: we have the outside enemy and then we have the enemy from within. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And I think that -- and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard or if really necessary by the military. Because they can't let that happen.

JIANG: Harris campaign spokesman Ian Sams:

IAN SAMS: Suggesting that the military should be used against his fellow citizens is beyond the pale. It's something that no president should ever do. Presidents should try to bring our country together.

JIANG: Harris today focused on shoring up a key constituency, black men. The campaign is concerned that a lack of enthusiasm will lead to low voter turnout. Former President Barack Obama raised the issue last week.

BARACK OBAMA: Part of it makes me think that well, you just aren't feeling the idea of having a woman as president.

JIANG: Harris announced a new plan aimed at winning them over, including 1 million forgivable small business loans, a focus on health issues that disproportionately affect black men and legalizing recreational marijuana to boost the industry and create new jobs. Meanwhile, a scare on the campaign trail when police arrested Las Vegas resident Ven Miller on his way to Trump's rally in southern California on Saturday. Authorities say he had two loaded unregistered guns in his SUV, but federal investigators say Trump was not in danger and there's no indication this was an assassination attempt. Miller says he is a Trump supporter who is helping the reelection effort.

DICKERSON: And Weijia Jiang joins us now from the Harris rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, a battleground section of a battleground state. Weijia, I want to ask you about the new CBS News poll. Okay, so we know the parties are ideologically opposed, but there’s also a division on basic facts. One example, the border. Migration is at its lowest level since the Trump administration. But the polls show that not everyone sees it that way, do they?

JIANG: That's right, John. CBS News asked voters whether the Biden/Harris administration tried to reduce the number of migrants at the southern border. So 67% of Democrats said yes, and 65% of Republicans, almost the exact same number, said the opposite: that the administration actually tried to increase the number of migrants. So that is what is happening now. We also asked about what could happen come Election Day. And on the issue of whether there would be voter fraud in the 2024 race, just 6% of Democrats said yes, but John, that number jumped to nearly half for Republicans at 47%.

DICKERSON: Weijia Jiang for us on the campaign trail. Thank you so much, Weijia.