Noted Regime Shill Harry Sisson Joins Erin Burnett, Promotes ‘Excitement’ Over Kamala Run

July 24th, 2024 1:25 AM

Having successfully echoed efforts to remove President Joe Biden form the 2024 presidential ballot, the Regime Media’s propaganda onslaught continues apace in furtherance of creating aura around Vice President Kamala Harris’s nascent candidacy.

Some outlets go the extra mile in service of this new mission. Watch as CNN’s Erin Burnett and noted Regime shill Harry Sisson talk about all the “excitement” and “energy” surrounding the Harris campaign:

ERIN BURNETT: Harry Sisson is outfront. He's a 21-year-old Tiktokker who was one of President Biden's most vocal supporters online. His videos got as many as 15 million views. He now supports Kamala Harris, but Harry, you know- you and I met you were talking about Biden. And I want to get to that because you supported him and you believed in him all the way through. But the clips from Harris's first campaign rally that was just a few hours ago are flooding Tik Tok. So what are you seeing and what are you hearing from people that’s different from what you heard before?

HARRY SISSON: Yeah, you know, Erin, it just feels like this energy has been injected into the Democratic Party. There's like an excitement that I haven't really felt since 2020. And I think people are really lining up behind Kamala Harris. She's more in line with, like, younger generations. She has policy that younger generations support and people are really feeling her candidacy and like you just mentioned, the rally, the crowd, there was insane, enthusiastic, excited, and we're kind of just seeing that also in person, but also online as well.

The media are all literally performing the NPC meme, as they all echo the same talking points about the “enthusiasm” and “energy” surrounding the Harris rollout. But few would go the lengths that CNN does here, by bringing on one of the most notorious online Biden shills in order to have him talk about the sadness he felt by putting the Harris chip in his head- before he goes on to further debase himself online in service of the Harris campaign.

And, in fairness, Erin Burnett is no different. The difference between her and Sisson is that at least Sisson is transparent about his dopey shilling, whereas Burnett couches it in “journalism”, as she demonstrated during her awful interview of Biden, wherein she allowed all manner of lies and misrepresentations to go unchecked. 

The common link between Burnett and Sisson: the devotion to the cause of Protecting the Precious. The Precious may have changed, but the mission remains the same.

Click “expand” to view the full transcript of the aforementioned interview as aired on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront on Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024:



7:49 PM

ERIN BURNETT: Harry Sisson is outfront. He's a 21-year-old Tiktokker who was one of President Biden's most vocal supporters online. His videos got as many as 15 million views. He now supports Kamala Harris, but Harry, you know- you and I met you were talking about Biden. And I want to get to that because you supported him and you believed in him all the way through. But the clips from Harris's first campaign rally that was just a few hours ago are flooding Tik Tok. So what are you seeing and what are you hearing from people that’s different from what you heard before?

HARRY SISSON: Yeah, you know, Erin, it just feels like this energy has been injected into the Democratic Party. There's like an excitement that I haven't really felt since 2020. And I think people are really lining up behind Kamala Harris. She's more in line with, like, younger generations. She has policy that younger generations support and people are really feeling her candidacy and like you just mentioned, the rally, the crowd, there was insane, enthusiastic, excited, and we're kind of just seeing that also in person, but also online as well.

BURNETT: And so your friends who were like “who are you? You're out here doing politics, that's awful. What's wrong with you?” What are they saying now?

SISSON: Yeah. So I've had people I haven't spoken to in a long time. Kind of- in just, friends I also speak to are not interested in politics, reaching out to me saying “how do I get involved? How do I help Vice President Kamala Harris beat Donald Trump?” And for me, it's just shocking. I just haven't seen anything like it.

BURNETT: Wow, you're interested in what I do. OK. Tik Tok or the videos with the- the- the brat. Obviously, we're hearing that. Coconut tree clip that we were talking about, but everyone’s seen now, these are moments that Republicans thought were bad for her. They were playing them to say, look at how awful she is. And yet, on social media it appears to be doing the opposite. Is that what you're saying?

SISSON: Yeah. Exactly. Right. I think this shows a broader trend in politics that the Republicans are completely out of touch with young people. They take these clips of Kamala Harris, like, laughing or having fun and they're like, “look at her, she can't be president” and everybody else in Gen Z is like “she seems kind of fun. She seems like somebody I'd want to hang out with”, and you're seeing that on Tik Tok right now with all of these, like, viral videos.

BURNETT: So let me just ask you about Biden, because when we spoke, you came on last time, you were talking about President Biden. You believed in him and you told me, Harry, “never once have I ever been concerned about the president's age.” Now that was before the debate. I understand that, but I just want people to understand as a 21-year-old, you believed in him and you didn't think he was too old and you saw- and you saw positives in that. Is there any part of you that feels sad or wishes he would have stayed in the race?

SISSON: Yeah, I think my immediate reaction to Biden's decision was a mix of sadness and appreciation. Sadness because, you know, my colleagues and I, we love Joe Biden. Like he's a good, decent man, but also appreciation in the sense that, like, he put the country before himself. He put the country's interests before his interests and stepped down. This is not something we see in American politics. It's certainly not something we see in global politics. So I'm appreciative of the president and I’m excited for the future.

BURNETT: All right. Well, Harry, thank you very much, good to see you again.