ABC News Dares Not Speak The Ethnicity of Would-Be Central Park Rapist

June 25th, 2024 1:06 AM

What is it with ABC News personnel not being able to offer ethnic descriptors of suspected sexual predators on the loose? Once again, critical details are left out of a story- this time, as an attempted rapist is loose in New York’s Central Park.

Watch the full report as aired on ABC World News Tonight:





6:38 PM

DAVID MUIR: Here in New York City this evening, the NYPD late today on the urgent search right now for a suspect wanted for attempted sex assault in broad daylight in Central Park. Police say a 21-year-old woman was attacked while sunbathing. The victim fighting him off. ABC's Diane Macedo from Central Park tonight.

DIANE MACEDO:  An urgent search is under way in New York's Central Park after police say a man tried to sexually assault a woman sunbathing in the middle of the day. The second brazen attack in a city park in two weeks.

JOHN CHELL: We have a female, white, 21, who was sunbathing. She sees a male black coming towards her, exposing himself. She screams and gets up to run. He tackles her from behind.

MACEDO: Police say the victim was able to fight the man off, who then ran away. Now, NYPD officers are scouring the park on foot, by bike, and by drone, with the victim riding in a patrol car to help the search.

TARIK SHEPPARD: I can assure you. You see the massive response? We're going to keep Central Park safe and we're going to continue to be out here until we feel that this perpetrator is off the streets.

MACEDO: The attack comes just days after a suspect was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl in a Queens park after school, holding her and a friend at knife-point. And David, now the focus is on finding the suspect in this Central Park attack. Police describe him as being in his 30s, about six feet tall, medium build with curly hair, and they say he was wearing a light shirt and shorts. David?

MUIR: Diane Macedo tonight. Thank you, Diane.

As I mentioned, this isn’t the first time that ABC engages in this nonsense. When a sexual predator was loose in Arizona, ABC offered as little identifying information as possible about the alleged predator- even while he was still loose in the community.

ZOHREEN SHAH: All of the victims describe the suspect as a man 30 to 40 years old, around six feet tall, with a medium heavy set build, and close cropped hair. 

Pretty broad range of possibilities, which is not what you want during a manhunt. We later found out the suspect was likely Hispanic.

In this case, the ethnic concealment is more ridiculous because the video package showed the NYPD Chief of Patrol clearly stating that the suspect is black- which could be useful when performing a search operation.But what does Diane Macedo offer up to close the report?

MACEDO: Police describe him as being in his 30s, about six feet tall, medium build with curly hair, and they say he was wearing a light shirt and shorts.

Again, that’s a pretty broad range of possibility without the ethnic identifying information. Is this curly hair blond? Red? Why not just repeat what the Chief of Patrol already said? I

Instead, we see that the woke mind virus at ABC News defers to no one- not even to the potential next victim of a rapist loose in Central Park.