CNN Tonight led the way in providing the left’s response to Tuesday’s Trump rally in Arizona, openly rooting for the President’s removal from office. It was all kickstarted by host Don Lemon’s rant immediately afterward denouncing Trump as a unstable, unintelligent child attacking “an imaginary friend.”
“Well, what do you say to that? I'm just going to speak from the heart here. What we witnessed is a total eclipse of the facts. Someone who came out on stage and lied directly the American people and left things out that he said in an attempt to rewrite history, especially when it comes to Charlottesville,” Lemon began in a nearly-two-minute rant for the ages.
The panic continued from Lemon as he grew emotional with rage, calling out Trump as “unhinged” and argued that Trump’s “embarrassing.” Showing his liberal bias, Lemon whined with exasperation that “[t]his is who we elected President of the United States.”
Lemon continued, showing no daylight between leftists mobs and himself:
A man who is so petty that he has to go after people who he deems to be his enemy, like an imaginary friend of a six-year-old. His speech was without thought, it was without reason, it was devoid of facts, it was devoid of wisdom. There was no gravitas. There was no sanity. He was like a child blaming a sibling on something else. He did it. I didn't do it. He certainly opened up the race wound from Charlottesville.
Forgetting the fact that the news media are far less popular than the President, Lemon argued that Trump’s “clearly wounded by the rational people who are abandoning him in droves, meaning those business people and the people in Washington now who are questioning his fitness for office and whether he is stable.”
“A man backed into a corner it seems by circumstances beyond his control and beyond his understanding. That's the truth. If you watch that speech as an American, you had to be thinking what in the world is going on? This is the person we elected as President of the United States? This petty, this small, a person who who's supposed to pull the country together? Certainly didn't happen there,” he concluded.
Next in the public therapy session was CNN political director David Chalian, who’s far from a voice of reason seeing as how he argued that GOPers and Mitt Romney were “happy to have a party with black people drowning” during the 2012 Republican National Convention.
Here’s Chalian:
Well, I thought that was a President totally unhinged. There's little doubt about that for anyone watching. I do think you get at a point. This is — this is the evidence that backs up Bob Corker questioning his stability for office. This is the evidence as to why Susan Collins, another Republican Senator isn't so sure he may be around to run for reelection in 2020. This is evidence as to why the Republican leader — and I'm only referring to people from his own party in case people think this is a partisan political issue. It’s not...It's hard to see how he's going to get back on. And the fact that the President of the United States came out tonight — and as you said, it's not about attacking us. That's fine. Although we in the press are going to be the last people to take lessons from Donald Trump on truth telling and facts because that's absurd.
American Urban Radio Networks correspondent and longtime liberal stenographer April Ryan also was beside herself:
Don, I was in disbelief but mostly for the 44, 45 minutes he spent on Charlottesville. Last night, I was at Fort Myer with the President when he spoke to the military servicemen and servicewomen about Afghanistan and again at the top. he talked about Charlottesville. But tonight, tonight, 44 minutes. This is — this is saying something that this is still weighing on him. This is a huge issue and you said the word lie. I don't like the use the word lie but, you know, I think back to when President Barack Obama was in the well of the House and congressional leader jumped up and say you lied. Well, you know if we say the word lie for this President, he's lying by omission because he omitted a lot of facts in his details, his details, on the layout of how he addressed the nation, what he said, what he did not say. He totally omitted the alt-left issue. He totally omitted talking about both sides are at fault. You know, this President has a very different grasp of reality.
Tonight's unstable promotion of Trump's removal from office was brought to you with love by Fidelity and Ruby Tuesday.
Here’s the relevant portions of the transcript from August 23's CNN Tonight with Don Lemon:
CNN Tonight with Don Lemon
August 22, 2017
11:26 p.m. Eastern
DON LEMON: Well, what do you say to that? I'm just going to speak from the heart here. What we witnessed is a total eclipse of the facts. Someone who came out on stage and lied directly the American people and left things out that he said in an attempt to rewrite history, especially when it comes to Charlottesville. He's unhinged, it's embarrassing and I don't mean for us, the media because he went after us, but for the country. This is who we elected President of the United States. A man who is so petty that he has to go after people who he deems to be his enemy, like an imaginary friend of a six-year-old. His speech was without thought, it was without reason, it was devoid of facts, it was devoid of wisdom. There was no gravitas. There was no sanity. He was like a child blaming a sibling on something else. He did it. I didn't do it. He certainly opened up the race wound from Charlottesville. A man clearly wounded by the rational people who are abandoning him in droves, meaning those business people and the people in Washington now who are questioning his fitness for office and whether he is stable. A man backed into a corner it seems by circumstances beyond his control and beyond his understanding. That's the truth. If you watch that speech as an American, you had to be thinking what in the world is going on? This is the person we elected as President of the United States? This petty, this small, a person who who's supposed to pull the country together? Certainly didn't happen there.
11:28 p.m. Eastern
DAVID CHALIAN: Well, I thought that was a President totally unhinged. There's little doubt about that for anyone watching. I do think you get at a point. This is — this is the evidence that backs up Bob Corker questioning his stability for office. This is the evidence as to why Susan Collins, another Republican Senator isn't so sure he may be around to run for reelection in 2020. This is evidence as to why the Republican leader — and I'm only referring to people from his own party in case people think this is a partisan political issue. It’s not, Why Mitch McConnell, the leader of his own party is telling associates, as we learned from The New York Times, he's not sure this presidency is going to fill out the duration of the term, questioning whether or not his presidency is permanently off course. This is the evidence that it is so severely off course you can't see the course. It's hard to see how he's going to get back on. And the fact that the President of the United States came out tonight — and as you said, it's not about attacking us. That's fine. Although we in the press are going to be the last people to take lessons from Donald Trump on truth telling and facts because that's absurd.
LEMON: The man who’s lied a thousand times since taking office.
CHALIAN: But the fact this is one night after he appealed to the country about unity, about coming together, about peace and love, these were the words he used last night at the top of his speech before he got the Afghanistan section because he was still trying to do some clean up on Charlottesville and really tried to talk about the notion of love and peace and unity and this was nothing but a speech of division tonight. He has — I think he's sort of thrown up his hands and decided to the job he was elected to do is one he does not at all seem interested in doing.
LEMON: He was more interested in getting the accolades from the crowd and from winning. He keeps going back that election and, as I said, lying about what he said to the American people regarding Charlottesville, as if there is no videotape. As if these things are not on record, leaving out the many, many sides and there's so many notes that I took here. After a while, I said, well, I mean, we'd have to be on air in order to fact check him for 10 more hours , which I'm sure other shows on CNN will do throughout the evening and throughout the morning here on the network. But it was unbelievable watching. And, again, we don't really care in the media. We expected him to go after us. People are wondering, April Ryan, why did we run this? We want people to see their President and they got good glimpse of him now as somebody not widening the tent, but shrinking his tent and shrinking the people who support him. Among the general public and certainly in Washington.
11:34 p.m. Eastern
LEMON: But what got me is he painted himself as the victim, as the President of the United States is supposed to take the high road and set an example when the only victim in Charlottesville was Heather Heyer, barely a mention of her name, maybe he mentioned her once, didn’t say her name. But she is the victim in all of this. The President of the United States — Mr. President, you are not a victim here at all. Heather Heyer is the victim. The people who you spoke out about are victims.
RYAN: But, Don, he – yeah, but he’s now talking about all this love. We did not hear the love. During the campaign speeches, I didn't hear this over arching theme of love. I heard more rhetoric and division to divide the nation.
LEMON: He almost did the same thing tonight when he said we're safer in here because we got bigger people. We can beat you up better. That was the insinuation. I’m paraphrasing. Rick Wilson, what did you think?
RYAN: And how did that person get in here? I mean, if it's about love, everyone should be invited. This is not a private event anymore, or is it? That’s my thing.