A new poll released on Monday by Investor’s Business Daily reported that a firm majority of American’s have not only become “weary” of seeing the media’s negative Trump coverage, but also that the liberal media have been cemented as the “opposition party” to Trump.
According to IBD’s John Merline, 55 percent admitted they’ve grown tired of the media’s negative Trump coverage (which we’ve documented here at NewsBusters) while 54 percent agreed that the media’s discredited themselves by being Trump’s opposition party.
“The poll found that 55% of the public says they've grown ‘weary from the media's persistently negative coverage of President Trump.’ A roughly equal share (54%) also believe that the news media ‘has assumed the role of the opposition party, constantly opposing the president and his policies at every turn,’” Merline reported.
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Merline added this crucial tidbit that while Republicans almost uniformly believe the above statements to the tune of 88 percent, 55 percent of independents and 54 percent of moderates followed suit.
When it came to the opposition party question, 84 percent of Republicans agreed with this statement: “Has the news media assumed the role of the opposition party in their coverage of President Trump, constantly opposing the president and his policies at every turn?”
Surprisingly, not only did 54 percent of independents agree, but three-in-ten Democrats did as well.
Within the last week, the Media Research Center’s Rich Noyes and Mike Ciandella have published three blockbuster studies on the avalanche of negative Trump coverage.
On March 2, the duo reported that 88 percent of all network evening news Trump coverage was “hostile” as the amount of time devoted to Trump has expanded to 54 percent of the airtime.
A day later, Ciandella and Noyes uncovered the sheer hypocrisy by ABC, CBS, and NBC as they devoted seven times the coverage to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s admission he met twice with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S. compared to when then-A.G. Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress in 2012.
Shifting to Tuesday, the NewsBusters writers chronicled how the network morning and evening shows spent a wild 107 minutes on President Trump’s accusation that President Obama and his intelligence community spied on him during the campaign between Saturday and Tuesday.