Alexandra Pelosi's HBO documentary, Right America: Feeling Wronged -- Some Voices from the Campaign Trail, certainly caricatured McCain-Palin voters as a bunch of redneck racists, but it also showed how conservatives see the media as the enemy, and featured a short clip of a fun Hank Williams Jr. song take-off against the “left wing liberal media.”
In the 45-minute production, which will re-run several times over the next week or so (HBO's schedule for it), Pelosi showed a snippet of Hank Williams Jr. singing these lyrics at a McCain-Palin rally in Ft. Wayne, Indiana:
The left wing liberal media have always been a real close-knit family.
But most of the American people don't believe them anyway, you see.
Amongst the signs Pelosi showed from the campaign trail: “Stop the Liberal Media Bias” and “CNN is Bad News.” Plus, this on the back of a T-shirt: “Mainstream Media: Public Enemy #1.”
When the documentary first aired in mid-February, the Washington Post's Michael Leahy reported those House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's daughter selected to showcase sounded:
[L]ike yahoos, often goaded, always reduced to soundbites and caricatures. All the conventions of the smirking, winking, belittling political documentary are abided by in this film. An inordinate number of the yahoos wear T-shirts and weird caps. There is the obligatory NASCAR tailgating scene with the requisite Confederate flags and some white guys saying they'll never vote for any black man.